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Hmm its kind of weird and i dont understand it.It seems like when i talk to girls or around girls they get totally turned off around me and give off this feeling that im like stupid.Its like they treat me or give off that vibe that im like lower then them like im scum.This is not a vent but just a question why maybe all girls do this around me?

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Shinobie it may have to do with the way you present yourself to them. Do you smile when you first meet them? Do you meet them at ackward places? Do you meet them at ackward times? What kind of topics do you bring up at first? I think you should address those questions if you feel like you're getting that same reaction from every girl.

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Either you have really bad luck and meet all the shallow, mean girls or its in your head. People have the tendency to be harsher on themselves then they should be. Judging from all your past posts you are the type of guy who would take something small and insignificant and make it out to be worse than it is. I'm sure girls don't look down on you and any girl who does isn't worth your time or concern. As long as your nice and know your a good person, that's what matters. Don't try to hard, be yourself, and anyone who doesn't appreciate you is missing out.

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Actually Shinobi, I get something similar. In my life there have been several different incidents of a girl taking an almost instant dislike to me for no apparent reason. You might be thinking 'there must be a reason'. But honestly, some of these people never even spoke to me. It's really weird. It still happens. I have to say, often these are pretty girls (is it pretty girls that do this to you?) and maybe it's because I typically treat women like men. Sometimes pretty women can expect men to be all smiles and flattery to them and if they get what they perceive to be the 'cold shoulder' they hate it. But people like that aren't worth our time are they! Nice, decent people should either make an effort to get to know you then make a judgement, or refrain from making a judgement at all.

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