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Meeting my ex- how should I tell her?

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My ex and I have been broken up for five months. About a month ago I called her and asked her out to coffee. She accepted and we both had a good time. I kept it friendly. She just returned my phone call today, and she agreed to another coffee sometime after Christmas.


How am I supposed to go about telling this girl that I still have feelings for her? I think that just blurting it out might put her on the spot too much. Any suggestions?

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i would suggest hanging out a few more times and feeling her out. you know, making sure she doesnt have a bf, trying to see how she feels about you, ect. if you do decide to tell her your feelings, ease into it. dont be like 'i still love you, i miss you!' thats way too eager. start talking about old times and how great they were and hint about maybe wanting to start that agian and see how she reacts. take it easy...

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Yeah take it slow. BUT... If any red flags come up beforehand (she has a new b/f, she tells you she'd like to remain friends, etc.) then just proceed to treat it as a normal friendly outing and don't say anything about your feelings. That would be your cue to move on, but other than that, it'd be good to take it slow.

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Thanks for the advice so far guys and girls


I'm at the point right now where I have gotten on with my life, learned from my mistakes, and I am very happy. If she told me there was no chance that she would want to date me again, it wouldn't kill me like it did before. I've realised that I have been incredibly lucky to find real love, and I cherish the times we had together like nothing else, I will always be thankful for them.


I am prepared for the worst, but hoping for the best.

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