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The present he gave me is FAKE!

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Last night, my boyfriend and I exchanged Christmas presents. He gave me a Louis Vuitton handbag and told me it was authentic. The more I look at the bag (and research them online), the more I'm convinced it's a fake. I'm no expert, but...

Anyhow, I feel awful. He may not know that it's fake. He told me a couple of months ago that his Uncle was managing a Louis Vuitton store and could get bags for a small discount. I hope his Uncle wouldn't try and cheat him but you never know. My gut feeling is that if this bag is a fake, my boyfriend does know about it.


My question is.... should I tell him what I suspect? I put a lot of thought into his present and spent a lot of money on it. And although it IS the thought that counts, trying to pass off fake stuff is just tacky. I'm not a girl who really cares for the look of LV merchandise so if I ever owned one, I would carry it because of the name brand and notoriety.

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Interesting situation. It could be a fake, you don't want it, but yet you don't want to sound overly superficial. 8) I dunno if I were you I'd ask him to show you where he got it and perhaps make a side comment to the effect of, "this must be new or something because I can't find a LV bag that looks like this ANYWHERE". But if it's a nice bag....hmmmm..... Anyways

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If you had to inspect it to think it was a fake, then no one on first glance is going to be able to tell the difference so who cares? If you don't even like the way they look and only want to carry it because other people will think you're cool, then you're fine.

My sister is label whor.e and had no problem carrying a swap meet Louie. If the LV logo is right side up on one side and upside down on the other, then it's definetly a fake.

"It's the thought that counts, but..." once you say "but" it negates everything you said before it. It sounds like you boyfriend but some thought and definetly money into this gift. Go with it.

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I doubt he intentionally gave you a fake. OR maybe he did, but only to make you happy...which is tacky and a lil shady...but...kind of sweet in it's own odd way? Anyway, regardless of it all, it's a handbag. A purse. A material item. My oppinion is, who cares? What truly matters is the thought and the relationship. Don't let a silly handbag ruin all that. My advice is to just go with it. If you find out later it is a fake and you just have to confront him....don't automatically accuse him. Heck, he's male, he probably didn't know....nor care all too much. I say, don't make a scene of it unless you find out he truly knew and gave it to you anyway...and lied to you. Because *that's* the real issue. But, from the sounds of it, and I could be wrong, he didn't mean to lie or give you a *knock-off* handbag.


Happy Christmas.

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Well, I know it would be nice to say that you have a "real LV bag"....but in this case, if I were in your shoes, I would let this one go.


Chances are, either your BF was deceived when buying it, OR he wants so bad to impress you and make you happy and for you to have the real thing- but simply can't AFFORD it- so he's hoping you'll think it's real.


OR maybe it is real. Sometimes it's hard to tell with those things. If the bag can serve it's purpose: holding your belongings....then why not use it?


I think if it were a fake engagement ring that he was trying to pass for a diamond it would be a little more serious and warrant some action. But this is one, small gift.


I think it was a sweet gesture for him to buy it and his intentions were good.


That's just my .02 cents.

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I agree with the others. You can't really go up to him and accuse him of buying you a fake bag because maybe he really did think it was real, or maybe it is real. I'm sure you would feel horrible blaming him for this if it wasn't even true.


I agree with the others. Even if it is fake, it still works just the same. You know your boyfriend better than any of us do. Do you think he would do something like this? Do you have any reason to believe he would lie about something like this?

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I agree with the others. It's the thought that counts and he is male so chances are that he thought it was real.


Also, according to my mom pretty much all garments, clothes, and purses that can be purchased in the USA are sewn accross seas in sweatshops. If that's the case, then the handbag is real!

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I put a lot of thought into his present and spent a lot of money on it.


What does that have to do with your gift from him? I mean, it's not like you spent a lot of money on him so he'd spend a lot on you...right? As long as he believes it's real, then he can echo those exact same sentiments.


Besides that, if he does think it's real (which even you state is most likely), then telling him your suspicion (and, yes, it is just 'suspicion' -- you don't even know for sure) is only going to hurt him.


Which matters more, that you *know* you have a REAL LV bag or that you *have* a boyfriend who cared enough to try to give you a REAL LV bag?

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1) It could be real.


2) If it's fake and he doesn't know, then he was taken advantage of by someone.


3) If it's fake and he does know, then perhaps he couldn't afford even a discounted LV bag, so he did the best he could and bought you a good fake. In that case, it would be tacky of you to bring it up.


4) Who really gives a damn? He was sweet enough to buy you something that he knew you'd like. Wondering whether or not it's genuine seems superficial and ungrateful.


For the record, what did you get him? I'm willing to bet it wasn't anything along the lines of a genuine Movado watch.


I'm not trying to be mean, just trying to point out that there are many more serious things in the world to worry about.

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you're a very materialistic person, and im not saying theres anything wrong with that, it's just different to how i think, but even if you're boyfriend knew it was fake, does it matter? it was a gift off him, he knew you liked their stuff, so he brought you it, maybe he couldn't afford the real thing, its the thought that counts, and i know you're aware of that, but i think you're going to ask him, and that's totaly the wrong thing to do, he would only start to doubt himself then, and it would lead to problems then, i think you should just see the bag as a gift from someone you loved, instead of looking at it materialistically. he meant well, so dont question him.

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For the record, what did you get him? I'm willing to bet it wasn't anything along the lines of a genuine Movado watch.



He's into fashion so I got him 2 pairs of Polo jeans, a Nautica sweater, a DKNY sweater and a cashmere sweater. I spent maybe $250...

It's ok though, if you see what I posted after this post, you know we are frying bigger fish right now. I don't care about the purse right now...except for the fact it makes me sad to look at. I promise I did not show him ANY indication that I did not like it or didn't think it was real.


Sigh....the holiday's suck. = (

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it was real, and his uncle manages a store, there was no need for him to tell you it was real - because that would be obvious, right?


However, I knock him for not being creative and for being lazy. That was a no-effort gift. He may have even gotten it for free for all you know.


Examine how he treats you otherwise. Don't measure his love for you by the authenticity of the gift. He may love you, but may also be cheap.


Ask yourself: How do I feel around him?


If you don't feel your best around him, try meeting someone else.

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I don't care about the purse right now...except for the fact it makes me sad to look at. I promise I did not show him ANY indication that I did not like it or didn't think it was real.


Sigh....the holiday's suck. = (



I'm sorry...but I have to say this. If the holidays suck because you are so caught up in the sadness of your PURSE you got from your boyfriend possibly being a knockoff, then you need to get your priorities straight. Do you realize how many people in this world would love to get ANY gift from the person they are in love with? Do you realize how many people would just love to have someone to LOVE THEM AT ALL, and have someone to celebrate the holidays with? Please, go back and read your own words again, and think about it...the holidays are NOT about gifts. They are about loving those people you are blessed to have in your life, and being together. Wake up.

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