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Take a chance and move?

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My girlfriend relocated to LA a few months ago. Staying together was no question, and we agreed that it was best for her career and that I would join her out there from Chicago as soon as possible. So far we've managed to see each other several times.


The long distance relationship itself is working so far. We talk almost daily, and almost all of that is over facetime. Still, the time apart is very difficult for the both of us.


I've been applying to jobs out there but have hardly received any responses, as trying to relocate from out of state is never easy.


Do I just keep applying and hope I get a bite? Because I don't think it's going to happen. I'm starting to think I'm going to have to move first and then seek employment as a local candidate. Then again, that's also a huge risk. I'm really not sure what to do and any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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No, do not move without securing a job. The job market is not exactly hopping out there. It would be a really bad decision. In terms of being an out of state candidate, put her address on the resume so you become a local candidate. If you start getting some calls, just give yourself a chance to hop on the plane for the interview and tell them that you are mid-moving and will not ask/require any assistance or extra time to start the job.

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LA is a hard spot to find a job unless you got solid connections. Traffic there is the WORST in the whole entire country. I used to live and work in DC (also one of the top three worst traffic) and visited LA a couple times before... I would rather be stuck in DC traffic. LA is THAT bad. And living in California is very expensive. There are two socioeconomic classes there; rich and poverty.


Don't move until you secure a job. Especially not in a place like southern Cali. You won't be happy there without one.

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