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part 3 this is crazy!!!


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I posted twice regarding this issue. My boyfriend texting another woman and being hurt and wanting to save our family. So I finally spoke with her....

I told her I need her help and want to know whats going on so I can make the necessary arrangements for my family. I told her I was his fiancée and I klnow they have been texting for months and I wanted to know if these messages were a threat to our relationship. She said they've been texting on and off for years. He always gets back in contact with her she values his friendship. Out of the blue she said I've slept with him. I was shocked and asked the necessary questions. When...and she didn't know. I asked if it was since christmas and she said, no a bit before then. Not recently. I asked how many times and she again said she wasn't sure. I said, 1 or 2, or 20-30.. she said probably 20-30 over the last 3 years. She said she didn't know if we were still together because he wouldn't tell her.

She said he tells her he loves her and if he says he loves me he probably doesnt mean it. Shes not sure if he loves her either.

All this started to sound a little fishy..my gut wasn't kicking in the way it usually does when theres something seriously wrong.

Then i told her she need to back away and let us work this out or split up without her adding fuel to the fire. She said she wasn't willing to give up her friendship with him. I explained that if i'm married to a man he cannot speak to a woman that claims they are sleeping together. She said thats up to him but she wants them to be friends and will continue to talk to him.

I know she hasn't spent any time with our kids. She met our middle child 10 years ago when they were friends. I explained to her that She needs to back off. I'm a mother and I love our children and it's going to take time to do this responsibly and minimise the pain to the kids. I told her I love his child with my whole heart and he me and this is delicate so please back off. Her response was, I love him too! I know she doesn't know the kid...now i'm scared. She saw him once when he was 3!

I don't know what to believe anymore. I know he has done wrong and hes admitted that and hes says he wishes he could take it back and what shes saying is all bs. She is sounding nuts! He was right telling me shes crazy but I don't know where the lies end and the truth begins with either of them.

I know shes lying about a few things at least. I asked her if she texted him since she got back from her trip and she said she didn't. There are 4 messages received from her from yesterday when she got back. He is telling me there are only 3 there but will show those to me when he gets home today.

He has granted me access to all his messages and phone records from here on in and swears he will not have contact.

I am a quiet person and have never dealt with drama in my life. What is going on??

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He sounds like a real selfish human being.. I'd do what your heart says to do, it certainly sounds like hes cheated enough times to want to end the relationship, kids or no kids involved, this isn't healthy for you. I'd keep all ur communication with her saved and use it to take his butt to court! You will get child support and be able to find a man who actually loves you because this man does not in the way that you deserve....

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I don't know why you are opening drama by telling his mistress to stay away. It's not his mistress that's the problem. It's your "fiancee" who can't keep his thing in his pants.


I'm embarrassed for you. This is embarassing for you. Just makes you look so desperate to keep a man.


He can still be a father without you. better for him to be a father and not your husband than be a cheating husband. Then your children ill gro up ith that unhappiness.


Bottom line: They are both liars.

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In addition to the above, you could also put a leash, GPS, etc, on him and play the role of a "PI" for the rest of your life. Is he worth that much to you?


I was thinking the exact same thing.


There is supposed to be love, trust & respect for a relationship to work. You & your guy have none of these.


I would dump his cheating ass.

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