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Pray to GOD


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HELLO Iam ron from virginia ...currently single. if i had a xmas wish i think it would be ....for santa to bring me a mate...FAR fetched huh for a thirty four yr male to say that. But theres a santa actually listening. we as children know santa is out parents we hate to admit. as we get older we think there no more parents becuase we live far away or no one cares or they have died...what ever the case maybe be.. we to still have a parent look over our shoulder or do we? is there GOD? bible says hes our father. "SO SANTA I ASK FOR EVERY LONELY PERSON INCLUDING MYSELF, IS TO SEND US A PERFECT COMPATIBLE MATE FOR XMAS." Thats my personal xmas wish. happy holidays to alll.

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Don't worry about it. There's someone for everyone out there. You may not find that person when you want them, but one thing is sure, they'll be there when you need them. Keep the faith in God. He knows what we all want, and with him nothing is impossible.

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I know that it must be very hard being alone.Each time that you feel lonely than maybe you should pray.Your not going to find a soulmate in a club scene ,although its probably been done.Im sure that God hears you and has that special someone already in mind for you.Follow your heart.Maybe she's already there and you just haven't noticed her.Hang in there cutie! [-o

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Everything we go through makes us better, stronger (faster,...sorry, couldn't resist ) and thereby becoming who He wants us to be. He never said this would be easy, life that is, but He did say He would be there for you no matter what.

"God will shield you from suffering, or give you unfailing strength to bear it" St. Francis

Keep the faith brothers and sisters, we'll be ok. Just know we're not alone.


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i keep asking god what i'm for, and he tells me "gee, i'm not sure". does anybody ever wonder why we're here???? why we're put on this earth? and if the big guy in the sky has got an almighty plan for each and every one of us, WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF BEING ALONE? seriously, what part of the plan says that it's actually USEFUL for any of us to be lonely? i just don't get it. i'm converting to buddhism.


ps: thanks for the holiday wish. i'm not as jaded as i sound, really i'm not. but thank you.

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Yo man, i hope you get that someone. We all want that person if we dont already have that person. Then sometimes those who have that person get thier heart broken and have to find that person all over. So really how do you know when you have that person? Im telling you i really thought i had that someone, and at the time she really thought she did as well. Now im alone just like you and its rotten


Best of luck my man, and btw nice parents/santa reference and tying it in with god. That creativity alone should win you a compatible mate.

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i keep asking god what i'm for, and he tells me "gee, i'm not sure". does anybody ever wonder why we're here???? why we're put on this earth? and if the big guy in the sky has got an almighty plan for each and every one of us, WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF BEING ALONE? seriously, what part of the plan says that it's actually USEFUL for any of us to be lonely? i just don't get it. i'm converting to buddhism.



If you knew how your life would unfold, everything that would ever happen to you from birth to death, would you learn anything? Or just go through the motions and wait for the next blessing you knew was coming. Don't get angry at God, waiting for him to reveal His plan for us is faith. Faithfully waiting and KNOWING it will be good because He said it would be. He has a plan for our lives, "and it is good"!

Be patient, make the best of where you are and what you are learning. He said good, not easy.


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We are only as alone as we choose to be. Sure, some of us will have it harder than others and at times we will feel like no one understands us. I feel this way often. But none of us are truly alone, hence the point of this site. Maybe the point of feeling alone is to motivate you to help others so that they don't have to feel as alone as you did? In turn, helping them can make you feel good about yourself and see that your not alone in the world. Or maybe all the lonliness is to help you appreciate the love that eventually comes your way?


As for finding that special someone, we all want that connection. But the more you long for it and pray for it to happen, the more discouraged you'll get. Love will happen when it is suppose to happen. It could be at any moment. What's important is to not let your desire for love and companionship became a driving force in your life. Focus on living a good life and being the best you can be. Then when love does come, it will catch you by surprise and be magical.

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