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Need advice on giving a girl oral


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So far my gf and i have just been making out. But i think sometime soon she might want to take it further and have oral. She has done it and received it before with her last bf and only him. But I don't have any experience yet so i'm a little unsure of how it will go and if she will enjoy it. I have read alot about it but i couldn't find any basic specific help - like how do i start? And what should i focus on doing/not doing? etc... Things like that. One time she told me she wouldn't let the guy finger her because it hurt alot. So i think i should avoid that.


Any advice is appreciated. Just a simple explanation or something would be fine. Thanks.

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I'm not surprised about the "fingering" part hurting her. If she's a virgin, it might hurt her before she has sex. Oral sex isnt the same as "fondling" as it's otherwise known. Oral sex for a woman usually involves stimulation of the clitoris rather than penetration of some kind. Many women, myself included, prefer clitoral stimulation over penetration. Some women prefer it the other way around. Anyway, it's easier said than done, but you need to listen to your GF. Encourage her to tell you what she likes and doesn't like. Some women like nibbling, or "fingering", some women like more overall body stroking. But you have no idea unless you try a variety of "touches" and, before you engage, ask her what she likes. Likely she'll be embarrased to tell you, and if that is the case, listen to what kind of sounds she makes. The common mistake men make is they hear woman moaning, and assume they like it (which the women certaintly do) so they think the woman wants it faster/harder (which is usually what a man means by moaning). This is not the case. Continue exactly with what you are doing until her moaning slows down or gets quieter. Then change a bit. It's very difficult for men to listen and watch her body language, but it doesnt take long for most men to catch on.


Anyway, there is really nothing any woman or man can tell you to make your first oral sex experience less awkward. It never happens the way the movies make it seem. The first time is always weird and awkward. The best thing you can do is make it fun for both of you. Don't be so pressed to make sure she has an orgasm, or that you do absolutely everything right. It takes men a few tries to figure out what women want, even if they've had a number of experiences. All because every woman is different.


So I hope that helps you some and calms your nerves some. Best way to lead to oral sex is to slowly move to it. Nothing sudden. Something as simple of "fondling" helps. Remember, not all women like to be fingered. Some just like to be rubbed.

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Eating Muff but Not Too Ruff



Eat Like a Pro

While no two women are exactly alike, there are many things that are universally enjoyed by women. No matter whether it's your first time going down on your girl or whether you're just looking to give your wife a little extra pleasure, the following step by step guide will have her raving about your skills.


Start Psychological

Start with the mental aspect. It's a vastly underrated element of a woman's sexuality and is almost completely misunderstood by the male species. Many women are self conscious about the way they taste and/or smell, especially when experimenting with a new partner. Tell her how much you're looking forward to tasting her sweet juices. Tell her you love the taste - it really turns you on. Tell her you're going to devour every last drop she has to offer. Tell her all these things and anything else you can think of along the same lines. You want her to be comfortable sticking her crotch into your mouth, so it's best to lay the groundwork with some sweet talking.


Gentle Stroking

Once you've got her naked, begin with some soft stroking of her inner thighs. Stay away from her vagina, but let every soft stroke get tantalizingly closer and closer. Direct the strokes from the knees towards the vagina. This may tickle her a little, but she'll love every minute.



Position yourself comfortably so that your mouth is comfortably at clit level. You can be in any number of positions, but it's important that you're both comfortable. We highly recommend the laying flat position for beginners as it is easy and intuitive. Once you're set, begin by softly kissing the outer lips of the vagina. Work your way around, teasing the lips with your tongue.


First Contact

As you reach the clitoris, dart your tongue in from underneath the clit and give it a good lick from the base to the tip. This will give you a good indication of how much direct clitoral stimulation she can take at this point. Try circling the clit for a while to get her rolling. Keep stimulating the area around the clit and the clit itself until she can take direct stimulation. For some women, this will be immediate, for others, you'll need to tease the area a bit before she can handle the direct contact.


Engage the Clit

Most of the time, you can actually feel the clitoris harden and swell with blood. This is a sign to you that it's time to focus on her pleasure button. Once you begin working hard on the clit, you can use a variety of techniques, but don't take your lips, tongue and mouth away from it. It's vital that you give the clit constant attention. You'll find that some women like different types of strokes than others, but, for the most part, you can simply wail away with your tongue back and forth accross the clitoris to get the job done. Or lick it like a thirsty dog lapping at an ice cream cone. The figure 8 is a very nice move here.


The Home Stretch

Many women will start to buck and moan at this point. Their legs may start shaking and many will actually start thrusting their vagina deeper into your mouth. In some cases they're trying to position their clit just right on your tongue, but most of the time they're just enjoying the ride. In any case, this is the time to really dig in, intensify your efforts and go after the clit until she's spent.


Mopping Up

Be careful here, as a large percentage of women become hyper-sensitive in the clitoral area just after orgasm. Even the tiniest touch can be painful. Most will push you away from the area when they're through. Don't sweat it. Your work is done.


Close the Deal

Tell her how she has the sweetest taste to her. Tell her you really can't believe how good it was and how much you enjoyed it. Trust me, she'll be back.


Sorry if this was too descriptive or whatever, but it's the best instruction i can give to you.

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