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I have a paragard iud. It's the non-hormonal copper iud. I got it after I stopped getting the depo shots - because the shots made me gain so much weight, made me very emotional, and killed my sex drive at only 18 years old.


I've had the paragard for almost two years. Lately, the past six months or so, my periods have been pretty bad. Cramps like no other, to the point where all I can do is just lay there, and very heavy bleeding. A regular sized tampon lasts 45 mins IF I'm lucky.


Well I ordered a diva cup hoping it would be the solution to my problems. And I couldn't get it to work no matter how I inserted it. I was so upset thinking this would finally help with my heavy menstrual cycle, nearly in tears (tho that probably was the hormones too Lol) and I made a rash decision and called my doctor to get a merina iud (the hormonal one) since it's supposed to help with periods.


I just got an email today for the form, and now that I'm not a hormonal mess on my period, I'm kinda second guessing my choice. After my horrible experience with the depo shot I swore id never put hormones into my body again. I'm worried I'll have the same side effects and it won't be worth it. Especially the weight gain. I've worked so hard at losing this weight and I'm almost to my goal weight and size. I've lost almost 50 lbs!


So.... Long story short. Any ladies have experience with the mirena iud?

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Ooof, that sounds terrible. I was on BC pills for maybe 5 years, at least. I eventually stopped b/c I felt like it killed my sex drive too. But I can't help worry about getting pregnant quite often, since we use the withdrawal method. But your story is what scares me re: IUD. Good luck!

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Ooof, that sounds terrible. I was on BC pills for maybe 5 years, at least. I eventually stopped b/c I felt like it killed my sex drive too. But I can't help worry about getting pregnant quite often, since we use the withdrawal method. But your story is what scares me re: IUD. Good luck!


I was on the pill so long ago, before I was even sexually active really. So I don't remember how it affected me really.


It was the depo shot that really screwed with me! It sucks cause I've loved this paragard until these past couple months.

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If you liked Paragard, I'd look into Mirena. Yes, there's progesterone in it but no estrogen. The hormonal action is also extremely localized, until the birth control pill and the depo shot. I think it's worth a shot, especially since you have an IUD already and enjoy it. Many people who poo-poo IUDs either couldn't deal with the initial pain or are just scared by the idea of "something being up there". You clearly don't have a problem with IUDs so it's worth trying another one.


P.S. I love mine.

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I've had two mirenas over the last 6 years. I love it. I rarely get periods that last longer than a day...I'm way less crazy...and I don't get cramps anymore.


I get not wanting added hormones...but copper iuds are notorious for increased cramping and bleeding...at some point you have to think about quality of life.






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If you liked Paragard, I'd look into Mirena. Yes, there's progesterone in it but no estrogen. The hormonal action is also extremely localized, until the birth control pill and the depo shot. I think it's worth a shot, especially since you have an IUD already and enjoy it. Many people who poo-poo IUDs either couldn't deal with the initial pain or are just scared by the idea of "something being up there". You clearly don't have a problem with IUDs so it's worth trying another one.


P.S. I love mine.


Yeah, my doctor said I shouldn't have any bad side effects since it's localized to the uterus. I'm not worried about insertion, and I haven't had any issues with my iud except these darn periods.

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I've had two mirenas over the last 6 years. I love it. I rarely get periods that last longer than a day...I'm way less crazy...and I don't get cramps anymore.


I get not wanting added hormones...but copper iuds are notorious for increased cramping and bleeding...at some point you have to think about quality of life.






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You're right... I think I just might get it. I'm just nervous.

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Im coming up to almost 5 years with my Paragard IUD.


I havent had any issues. Usually I get my cramping before my period starts but none during and the bleeding is very minimum. Could just be your bodies reaction, I am getting mine out this year because hubby and I want to try for a baby next Spring. After that he's getting fixed and no more b/c for me. Ive heard alot of horror stories about the Mirena tho, I don't know if I'd use it if I had to change mine -- probably go back to the pilll if couldnt get another Paragard.

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I have Paragard for a year now. I usually take 400-600 mg (no more than 800 mg a day though!) of Ibuprofen a few days before my period or when I'm feeling a cramp is coming up. That usually keeps the cramps away and decreased the bleeding for me. Also I know some Paragard and Mirena users taking vitamin E on a daily basis and it helps them with the period and spotting.

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I agree with PetiteGirl...maybe try some OTC fixes first just to see if it works. For a few months I was spotting daily (I have a Paraguard) and the Ibuprofen seemed to be main thing that stopped it. Everything has gone back to normal after that.


In any case, it's too bad we don't have more copper options in America. The size can be a big issue for the cramping and other models are smaller, but they aren't offered here.

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Americans have a weird thing with IUDs, which is why we don't have that many options here, unfortunately...


I really had to look to find a gyno who would even consider giving me one, given my age and the fact that I've never had children.


I heard that too, when I was Doing some research on my para hard before I got it, that most gynos refuse if you haven't had kids!


Thankfully mine was more than willing to do it for me despite never having kids and being 18 at the time. She also told me she's a huge fan of IUDS, though.

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My doctor wouldn't give me one...then I had my daughter while on the nuvaring... ...then it was acceptable to get an IUD. I mean, I'm glad I had her now...but at 24 while I was in school...that was kind a disaster...a complete life changer...my doctor was worried about an IUD and something about my cervix...I'm pretty sure pregnancy was harder on my cervix than an IUD



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I got the IUD because of blood clot risks,primarily. Ultimately, I ended up getting major surgery and was not allowed on hormonal BC anyway because of the clot risk. Nuvaring is great, it's like the pill you don't have to take.


It was definitely hard on my cervix. I kept squeezing the tech's hand during insertion and whimpering like a baby. I bled very heavily for weeks afterward. But from what I'm told (since I can't see up my own vagina) and from what I feel (I check my strings once a month on my own), everything is back to normal. I am due for a pap smear/gyno exam in a couple months anyway.

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