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So I got a 63 on my depression test....

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Yeah, its pretty high. So, pretty much, I live in a constant state of wanting to die. I have become okay knowing that my life is worthless and that I am scum. So I ride motorcycles fast, self-destruction as a lifestyle and live on the edge hoping that one day I will die.


What would medication do and would I have to see a doctor to get it and how much does it cost. If it allready isn't too late.

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Can I just say that two years ago this month I was where you are now. I finally summoned up the courage to go see my Doctor and allow her to perscribe me anti-depressants. It was the best thing I ever did. I was on them for 15 months and they changed my life. If you really want to do something go see your doctor and talk to her/him. I've been off AD's now since April 2004 and although I've had some pretty up and down times they've been NOTHING like before. Clinical depression is a real condition and can be treated. The only thing that stopped me from ending it all was that I didn't want to screw up anyone else's life in the process and that's what I would have done - how would my family have dealt with that?


I've been where you are now and I can say there is a way out.


If you don't want to take medication then see about talking to someone and trying to work through some of the things that have brought you to this point.


I wish you all the best.

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I went on anti-depressants for a while and they didn't help me. At the moment I'm seeing a really good counciler and she helps me sort out my emotions and feelings. It's really helping me a lot and although I know it's going to take time it will get better.

What aproach you take to solving your depression problem is compleatly dependant on what sort of person you are. If you are strong willed and are willing to work hard at it then I would go and see a counciler, maybe take anti-depressants, be willing to change your outlook on yourself.

Something that my friend said to me, when I felt similar to you was: 'Don't let other people make you feel down. Think you are the stilleto and everyone else is the s*** on it' You really need to get some self esteem, feel better about yourself. It's a hard and tiring process and I'm still working on it myself. It could take weeks/months/years but it will be worth it when you come out the other end a happier person!



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Im currently taking anti-depressants that is for people who are bi-polar and thats what i am.They are currently helping me although sometimes i have these lil bouts of depression where i sometimes get really depressed again for some reason.Maybe check out something with your doctor and see if u can try out some anti depressants or go get some counseling.I've only been through counseling once so i dont know how it will do but ill find out in the momnths to come.Gl.

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Yeah, its pretty high. So, pretty much, I live in a constant state of wanting to die. I have become okay knowing that my life is worthless and that I am scum. So I ride motorcycles fast, self-destruction as a lifestyle and live on the edge hoping that one day I will die.


What would medication do and would I have to see a doctor to get it and how much does it cost. If it allready isn't too late.


you're not scum. your life is not worthless. it only is if you believe it is and allow it to be that way. life isn't always perfect, but you've got to try and look at life with another perspective. you can't just settle for things, but you have to take control and try to change them. i'm telling you right now that i, and everyone else on here, know that your life is not worthless. just dont give it up! now that is worthless. you're not scum. you're a great, strong person who deserves to live. please don't give up so easily. there are great ways to get through this. first of all, realize you're not alone. we're all here for you and you do matter. we're all here for support. i've been there, so have others. there IS hope. talk to someone. us. anyone. therapists and counselors do help. even the anti-depressents i think can do many wonders. you just never know until you try. don't settle for this. do something about it. we all believe in you! take care and check these sites out


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no, it's not the only way out. PLEASE read this site

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but seeing a doctor wouldnt make others think you're doing it for attention..if anything, that would prove you're mature and you really do want and need help.


also, PLEASE read this site. link removed or link removed


you can do this. and we're gonna help you through it. you can get past suicidal feelings. occupy your time with other things. or you could call 1-800-SUICIDE anonymously and talk to someone. watch movies, write, play video games, talk a walk or exercise (works wonders!), study, read, listen to music, learn to play music, TALK, go out, etc. you've also go to realize you're not alone. and you can get through this. many people have been where you are. our brains play funny tricks on us sometimes. you're not alone and people do care about you. i do! we all do. please talk to us anytime. you've gotta also realize you're not going to feel like this forever. you've got so much to live for and you've gotta concentrate on the future. once you realize you want help and getting over this IS possible, go with that. you've gotta want help and go for it. it's possible, i beat it. please stay with us, you've got such a bright future ahead of you, you just cant see it now! trust me. take care!


also see this..link removed

great resources!! please give it a look


taking vitamin B6 and B12 also helps try it, you might as well. i'm here for you no matter what.

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I have read the phrase 'I don't want people to think I do this or that for attention' many times here. My question to you is: so what if you need attention? You need professional attention to overcome this depression, and you are the only one who can decide that.


I think this fear of what other people might think of you is typical for the period when you are a teenager. I don't know how old you are of course, and many people will always have this fear in their life. It's really important that you love yourself enough to simply NOT care about what other people think. Because what THEY think is not going to change anything about your depression, it's only worse because you have this fear next to the depression itself.


The only one who is of any real influence on this situation is YOU.


If you want to talk more about medication, feel free to send me a pm, or read my topic in Health, body&mind. (Efexor).



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i kinda know how you feel. i got a 69 on a depression test i just did. yeah, you should probably go see a doctor. to get the proper medications, you have to consult a psychiatrist. psychiatrists know what kind of medications there are out there, and they often can decide acurately which medication/s is/are best for you. also, a psychiatrist can prescibe medicines. a prescription medicine is the best way to go with this. there are illegal ways to get medication without a prescription, but trust me, you don't want to go down that road. you could really get in trouble. as for the problem with people thinking things if you go see a doctor, here's the solution; just don't tell anyone. if you feel obligated to or if you feel that you for some reason have to, just try, try, try not to. you have the right to keep that information to yourself. it's okay to have secrets. i hope you do go see a doctor. good luck.

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I've been on antidepressants myself - well I'm trying to be on them. I'm kinda bad with taking pills. They make me ill - whether its tylenol - antidepressants, birth controll pills... but i reckon thats cuz I used to overdose and now I don't eat when i take them.


But about the antidepressants - they do help. Seriously go talk to your doctor - sometimes you need to be on them to help you get better - someone gave me the advice to get on them and stay on them because depression/anxiety is like someone pitching a tent in your living room and you can't get it out of there without them.


If you are really reluctant to try antidepressants - exercise helps A TON. Make an exercise schedule, stick to it, and you'll feel so much better. Exercising is like a natural antidepressant. Eat good foods, lots of fruits and vegies, make sure you see a counsellor regularly - find SOMETHING to believe in - for some people that is God, for others, its as simple as believing in YOURSELF and the ability to change and get better.


You need to find a way to get out of the depression - it sucks - why live with it the rest of your life. Find a way to do it, whatever works with you, whatever you believe in, and stick with it. You'll feel so much better. You gotta get that tent outta your living room.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only a year and a half ago my mother realized she had depression. She tells me now that the hardest thing she's done in life, next to having children, was gaining the courage to see the doctor.


You need the doctor. It's been a year, and she is back to her ausome old self. I think she is dont the medication now, and she is great. Depression is a desease, and it is treatable. This state of mind your in isn't something you can control.


THis is the hardest part, but your only hope now is trusting your family physician, and sticking close with family and friends. Without them, we are all lost.

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