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help, not sure what to do -- it's my Ex's b-day!

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my ex and i have broken up over 6 mos ago and have remained distant friends but overall, we are on great terms but definitely not as close as before. his birthday is coming up and i got him a gift and a card but am not wondering if I should give it to him. i still think about him a lot but i think it's more because i miss our friendship and not because I still have feelings or want to get back together. At the same time, I want to protect myself and my heart so I try not to initiate contact with him and step back. Should I just send him a card instead? He got me something this year for my b-day and went to my bday dinner (this was after we broke up). And I'm doing it because I want to. It's part of who I am -- thoughtful and generous.

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I broke up with my boyfriend almost a month ago now and I went to his birthday thing and got him a present & card. He didn't say anything bad about it. He thanked me for the present and it was left at that. His was on the 9th of December probably a few days after we broke up. At least send him a card, it just shows you still want to be friends nothing else. If he takes it the wrong way then thats his problem not yours. GL.


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