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So I decided block my ex (13 months dating, 3 weeks broken up/ NC) and I saw she posted this: link removed


She then tagged friends in it talking about a "conversation" she had with them that week. OUR RELATIONSHIP STARTED AS A HOOK UP. I may have been hesitant to be in a relationship at first but I still did it. And I was always more open than she was and emotionally available. Half the article is about whoever cares less wins AND THAT WAS HER. She was the one to make the first move on me. She was the goddamn role model of what to do wrong in this article. her, she doesn't deserve .

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So I decided block my ex (13 months dating, 3 weeks broken up/ NC) and I saw she posted this: link removed


She then tagged friends in it talking about a "conversation" she had with them that week. OUR RELATIONSHIP STARTED AS A HOOK UP. I may have been hesitant to be in a relationship at first but I still did it. And I was always more open than she was and emotionally available. Half the article is about whoever cares less wins AND THAT WAS HER. She was the one to make the first move on me. She was the goddamn role model of what to do wrong in this article. her, she doesn't deserve .


Don't let it bother you and delete it off your feed. This girls wants to play some games.Maybe knowing you still bother her enough for her to post it will bring you some solace instead. Now go date a smarter, prettier and more successful girl.

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Now go date a smarter, prettier and more successful girl.
This made me laugh because IMHO (I even thought this before it ended) I never saw her as particularly good looking (I always though she had a good body and that was it), smart (extremely dependent on me for her classes), or successful/ Driven (she cheats on tests and I was always worried how she planned to get through PA school). And the more I think about it, how many girls DON'T like to show any form of affection in public (wouldn't even hold hands). I honestly don't understand why I never realized this. For some reason you saying that got me to think about this stuff, Thank you.
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I had a recent experience where I dated a guy for a couple of months, parted amicably, and then realised later that he'd been putting all sorts of posts on Twitter about being single - quite cynical posts, too, about why he was single - when we were still together.


My first reaction was to be hurt and angry in the same way that you are. I was livid, actually. Then I realised that this was really not about me, but about him wanting to project a particular image on Twitter; I have to say, I lost ALL respect for him at that point. Similarly, though, your ex's article is not about you or your relationship, but about her promoting a certain cool, woman-of-the-world image online. Reading that, it is speaking reams about her, but - for your own sanity - make sure you take on board that this isn't about you.


Interestingly, my ex approached me in the street a few days ago to ask why I wasn't contacting him, so I explained why. He blushed and stammered and confirmed that 'It wasn't about me', but that he likes to mess about with Twitter.


Just treat your ex with the contempt she deserves. Don't let her get to you.

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