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Girlfriend's Christmas Party

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My girlfriend and myself went to my company's Xmas party a couple of weeks ago. This Saturday is her office's part. However, her boss has made it so sig-others are not allowed for whatever reason. Not a big deal. However, before my girlfriend and myself met, she was set up and dated a few times with a guy who works as a bartender where they are going. The boss keeps pushing this place but did ask if it was alright with my girlfriend (if she felt comfortable with that). My girlfriend says she is an adult and can be alright with it. She keeps comforting me, tellling me she loves me and saying that as soon as she has done the obligatory little while, she will either call me to come by or just come home. All of this really has no problem. I do feel a little jealous in that her boss kept pushing this place (they only have about 6 people in the office and could go anywhere). I suppose I feel bad about her boss putting her in this situation. I mean, she says she is an adult and is alright with it, but she does look a little weirded out about it. There really is not anything I should or can make issue of. It is all innocent and she would rather be with me that evening. I just don't like the idea of her being "forced" to be around someone like that who she also has a dislike for. I do get jealous, although I really don't need to be. Just a natural response. I feel like an idiot to be feeling jealous, but I can't help it. I just feel that way.


Anyways, I just wanted to vent a little bit. Thanks

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I think work christmas parties should include sig-others.....there was talk that my bfs OLD job wasnt going to allow sig-others to come and I didnt think it was fair.. but in the end they were allowed....


Its Christmas time... wonderful season to be with family and friends.. why in the world would work not allow people to bring their sig-others to join in the celebrations....

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I think I mistated myself. I am not feeling jealous, as in I think she will cheat on me or anything. We very much love each other. I trust her 100% and she trusts me. What I think bothered me was that her boss set her and this other guy up over a year ago. My girlfriend feels uncomfortable around him (for obvious reasons). Now, her boss knows me and we get along. And, they have had many choices of places to go for a Christmas party. And, since there is only about 5 or 6 employees, it makes sense to take into account the feelings of any one employee for where to go. So, this boss has almost gone out of her way to make sure that they go to this place where this guy is. That is the part that bugs me, not that my girlfriend would cheat on me. It is that she has someone around her who she is with every day who would do this.


I wouldn't mention anything about this to my girlfriend as I know it is a silly thing for me to feel weird about. And, people reading this shouldn't read too much into thinking I am some wildly jealous person. Actually, I have always been the furthest from jealous. But, there is always that instinctual side of us that can still feel that.


I know there is no big deal about all of this. It is a small event that means nothing really. I was just venting a little bit as I needed a place to do so. It didn't mean that I was going to go off the deep end of jealousy.



Thanks for the responses though.

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Yeah. She went to my Christmas party and we had a decent time. Of course my company is large and had something like 2000 people show up. There was a lot of fun people watching going on.


I think the reason for her boss not allowing significant others was a combination of two things. First, a couple of the women workers have a husband and a boyfriend who were not the most social people in the world from last year's party. The other thing is that I think the bosses husband was not wanting to go this year, so I figure that she ended up making it unilateral. I suppose she thinks that if there are no significant others, that the actual employees can enjoy each other's company without the distraction of the sig others. However, yeah, this is Christmas and time to spend with sig others. You are with co-workers all the time. If the husbands don't want to go, they don't have to, but at least allow the option.


Sorry, just me ranting again

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