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Me and my girlfriend have had a strong and firm ldr for more than a year now, we've only seen each other twice but we haven't exactly been foolish enough to break up. Hell, I even want to propose to her when we're sixteen, which is in about a year and a half counting both of our birthdays.


Don't say I'm too young to do that blah blah blah and all that other stuff. I didn't come here to get lectured on how I'm still 15, I came here for help. You see, about a month ago I developed a crush on a girl named Cassandra at my school, completely normal thing, even for people who are married. I ended up falling for her, but then I saw that if I broke up with Regina for Cassie then I would have no relationship at all because Cassie is a nice girl but she's not too into dating, I want a girl that I could be comfortable with on sexual and emotional terms, I want a girl that can make me laugh, and I want a girl that no matter what; through thick and thin and through all the lecturing I can love her throughout all that.


Regina fits into all of those catagories. Even after falling for someone else it's nothing compared to what I have with Regina, love doesn't even begin to describe this, I may sound like a poetic teenage moron but I have a right to.


I thought about it and KNEW there would be no future to hold with Cassie, even if I did love her, I just loved Regina too much to let her go. I never asked Cassie out, why? 'She was hot right?' Yes, by all standerds she is hot, and I do love her personality and all the little traits she has, but with Regina it's something that I can't even try to figure out without my head exploding.


I know this may sound like superstitious ho-hum but I need you to bare with me. It's like we share something that's beyond love, even if I haven't talked to her yet I know when she's down or unhappy, I know when she's giddy or talking to her friends.


This is how I dealt with this situation, I moved on and my eyes have dwindled down Cassie to the crush that she was instead of loving her, soon we'll be back on the whole friend road again.


'Why is this a problem?' You ask, well... that isn't the problem, but it does have relavance to the problem itself.


Just yesterday Regina called me, before I even touched the handset I knew it was her and I knew that she wasn't doing too hot(no pun intended). I picked up the phone ready to calm her down and reassure her, but then right after I said hello the words that every guy hates came out of her mouth, "We need to talk."


At first I thought she was gonna break up with me for some crappy reason, but the atmosphere around her voice wasn't right, something else was wrong and she was feeling terrible about it. I urged her to go on, and she said that she had been developing a crush on a guy in her guitar class.


I was shocked, jealous, deppressed, and a whole 'nother list of emotions I don't feel like listing off right now. She hasn't broken up with me, but I'm afraid that this crush will turn into something more.


'Why are you afraid Cloud, Don't you have that deep emotional bond thing?' Yes... we do, and I cherish this relationship for that. She deeply loves me, probably more than anyone else she will ever get with, same situation with me; I hope you don't ridicule this, because this is all true and I'm on the verge of these damn tears right now.


I want to be with her through all of this, and I want her to follow what she thinks is best. The bond we have is like that of twins, close to telepathy, and I damn-well know we're not related so don't worry about that.


The only thing I'm afraid of is that she's confused and I don't know how we're gonna get through this. She reassured me for the entire conversation, saying that we'll most-likely end up together in the end of it all, and I believe her, but there is this one thing. I don't care if you think this is teenage jealousy seaping through but I have a bad feeling about this guy.


A couple of calls before this one she called the guy that she likes, Wayne I think his name is, he sounded high. I don't know if Regina noticed, but that's all I'm paranoid about.


I'm breaking down here and she has been down throughout this whole thing too.


I don't care what you say, I don't give a crap if you yell at me saying there is nothing beyond love, I WON'T listen to your God-damn lectures because I know for a fact that I have proven them wrong. My parents said I was too young and I'd end up dating someone else as soon as she dumped me. My parents have constantly offended me with a barrage of, "You're only a kid."


I know that I have a long life left... I know it's gonna be hard roads ahead, but I want to do all of that with Regina.



So, in conclusion, not only is she confused, but I think she's in danger. I know that she also has that special bond with me. When I had to tell her about Cassie she asked me if something was wrong right when she picked up the phone, and she hadn't even heard me talk yet. We've completed each other's sentences lately, we've called about a million jynx's on each other, and before the words can even come out of my mouth she says exactly what I'm thinking. It's all happened a lot, and this is what made me realize it. I don't want this relationship to end, hell, I want to spend the rest of my life with her no matter how many lectures I get, and I don't care if you don't believe in stuff like this. All I need to know is, how am I going to get us through this when there's so much pain that we're both feeling at the same time, no matter how many jokes we laugh at or sexual innuendos we initiate?

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Ok....well...now after 5 minutes of reading, I get to your question. I've never dealt with this sorta thing before, but personally, I think you should explain exactly- down to a T- to her about how you feel. And if you two have such a strong relationship as you say, then she will get it, and you two can cry on each others shoulders, and probably get through it. And if you've been together for a year, then you should've had at least one other large problem.... Who knows, maybe this is the beginning of something great, or the end of something horrible, look at it how you please. And oh, by the way, I'm 15 also, and I dont really think too many people out there are judging because of our ages?

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You seem like a mature young man, certainly with your head screwed on straight, to me it sounds like you know whats going on, your confident about what your saying.


As far as I would be concerned, do not take your parents views too harshly, they are merely trying to protect you.


What you and your girlfriend have is certainly strong and unique from what you have said. I believe that is something you should not give up on. I suggest getting over this Cassie girl, she may not be all shes cracked up to be in the long run, she probably cannot offer what you have with Regina, you have said so yourself!


These 'links' that you have between each other dont have to be negative, try to consider it something that the two of you have, and no one else does, it is something special that makes your relationship an unbreakable one. I believe that if you have not already, you need to talk to her about it. As far as her crush on Wayne goes, you need to ask her, get her to tell you truthfully, who is it, this new guy, who may be fun for 5 minutes and proceed to treat you like dirt, or the one guy in the world who truly loves and respects you for you are...You!

However I might suggest that it is best not to mention Cassie, somethings are best left untold. If you love Regina, you will protect her feelings by forgetting about Cassie.


It is up to you, I am just offering what advice I can based on what I understand about your problem. Im sorry if this isnt much help, but you are welcome if you find something useful from it.


Good luck man.

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