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I wasn't sure where to put this post, or whether i should even post it..but i really need some help.


Today, i arrived at my new home, new zealand, the other side of the world to england, where i used to live. I had to leave all my friends, aswell as my boyfriend who i really love. I am finding it so difficult to accept, that i don't live with my friends anymore, that im not a part of their life anymore. I don't go to school for 6 weeks because it's the summer holidays over here, i want to make friends but im not sure where to go or what to do. Has anyone ever been in this situation? im just getting lower and lower and i need some help..


Thanks x

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relocation is tough....I went from one side of the US to the other not all that long ago...and it was a culture shock in and of itself.


My suggestion to you, is to not really concern yourself at the moment with making friends...6 weeks will pass faster than you think and school will be your best place for that to happen...


right now, if I were you...I'd get familiar with the town you live in...go to a restaurant in the afternoon and chat with the waitress about what the area is like and what there is to do...do some sightseeing....that way, when you do start to make friends in school..you will have some idea of the places they are talking about...not to mention give you things to start conversations with....


I've always found that the more comfortable I am with WHERE I am...the easier it is to get to know people there...

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How old are you? Are you in high school? Where in New Zealand are you? I could probably point you in the right direction of which places people your age hang out. Give me a bit to work with and I'll help you best I can. I know how terribly hard it is to give up friends and ones you care so much about... I'm a millitary brat...as soon as I made a friend it was time to leave again-- I finally moved back to my Mom's and staying in one place for high school and college...it's been so stabalizing for me. I know how you feel and I promise, it gets so much better. When you walk into your first class, show CONFIDENCE! And I completely agree with the response above... if you know about a few places, at least it's a start....you could even use it as a prompt for a conversation--ask a student what it's about, if it's a "cool" place to hang out at, if not, where is? Don't worry about making new friends right now, that'll come in time; work on settleing yourself in your new home right now.

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awww. you poor thing. yeah, i can amagon that can be rather difficult to deal with=(


I'm a New Zealander=) live in Auckland.

I can tell you anything you need to Know about New Zealand and the people here, i mean i am after all one of them=)

so please feel free to P/M me anytime or Email me=)

I'm Happy to help because i kn this must be VERY scary for you=(

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I know exactly what you are going through. I moved to Japan over three months ago, and I still struggle with the fact that I left everyone behind.


Six weeks will go by fast. There will be good days and days where you really struggle. My dad gave me some great advice for those days. Try to notice something new every day and write it down. You'll be amazed at what you discover, and it will help you feel more like you belong in this new place.


If you need to talk I"m here, I know exactly how you feel. Hang in there, it does get better.

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I left my family a long time ago to move to move accross the country and then left the US to move to Canada. I know how you feel. I have been here about 2 years now and sometimes it still doesn't feel liek home.


I went through (and sometimes still do) periods of anxiety where I was uncomfortable going places because I wasn't familiar with my surroundings. It does get easier. Once you get out a bit and start doing things and such, it gets much easier. I have had a more difficult time making friends and such, but things are coming around and getting much better.

I know you are sad about leaving England and especially your bf. My best advice is to try to occupy yourself as much as possible. Go out and walk around public places like bookstores, the mall, parks, etc. Perhaps take some kind of recreational class?


I know it seems low now, but I bet in no time you make friends and have more to do than you can fit into your schedule!

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