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Bad PMS without hormone regulation - copper IUD

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Hey forum!


I have a question for any of the ladies who may have had this issue. I stopped taking the BC pill about a year ago and in May 2013 I had a copper IUD placed. It has been great, it does the job, and although I have a week long period with it, I am still happy. The problem is that now I have horrible PMS symptoms. A week before my period and nothing brings me joy, I get irritable and I cry and get super anxious. I also get bad headaches and I am dizzy and I get waves of nausea . My doctor says that this is just my natural cycle and I have to decide if I can live with it or I should go back on the pill. I do not want to do this. Right now I am going to take a progesterone pill for a few months and see if that helps with my PMS and if it does I can change to the Mirena IUD, but it's still hard to say if this will even help. Not to mention all the pain of getting the IUD replaced. Ughhh it's so stressful.


My question is, how do you stop your PMS symptoms? Has anyone else had this problem? Also, if any of you have had an IUD and then replaced it, is the recovery time the same or is your body used to it by now and it isn't as bad?


I really love having an IUD, it's so hassle free. For the next three months I will be on two forms of birth control and it seems so silly to me. I also just hate having to remember to take a pill every day. I guess I don't need it for actual contraception so it doesn't need to be taken at the same time.


Ughhh I don't know. I'm not feel great at all.


Thanks for listening.

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it was a no brainer for me- back on the pill. i still get pms, but only for a day or two.

when i'm not on the pill pms can last a week or 10 days and it's just too much. all that time feeling so sad, overwhelmed....like a low grade depression.

i also don't need the pill for contraception purposes so i don't care if i don't take it at the same time everyday. sometimes if i totally forget , i take two the next day. i usually have it by the sink in the morning so i see it when i am brushing my teeth and just take it then.

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What is the goal of switching the IUD?


Why would progesterone be okay while adding lowest dose of estrogen to do both jobs is not?


I opted for the copper IUD because it doesn't have hormones and I would still ovulate. I am not excited about taking hormones again so the smaller dosage of progesterone seems like a good compromise.


The IUD with hormones is localized to the uterus and so it wouldn't run through my whole body the way the oral progesterone does. That is what my doctor said anyway.


I guess I am just going to see how the progesterone works for me orally before I decide if I should switch IUDs or just get mine removed and go on the pill again. But that is a last resort, as I hate being on the pill, but I guess it's better than being depressed and bleeding for half the month.

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bleeding for half the month.


I'd remove that thing--it doesn't agree with you. Bad periods are a common side effect, and what could be worse than this?


If you're bleeding this badly, you could be going anemic, and that's dangerous. The depression you feel could be the resulting fatigue from all that bleeding.


This IUD is not your friend. If the goal is to spare yourself from taking hormone pills, then taking oral progesterone to battle THESE side effects makes no sense.


I'm not up on all the options these days, but a foreign body that causes rough and lengthy periods, depression and potential anemia (research this--it almost put me in the hospital) doesn't sound like a great option.


What is it about the pill you don't want--the hormones, or the daily need to take it? There are other options--I'd research and consider those.

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I meant I'm depressed for one week of the month, then I bleed almost one week of the month.


I think the IUD is a great form of contraceptive but thanks for trying to help. I understood all these risks when I put the IUD in my body and I did a lot of research. It's a lot of hardship to get it inserted and heal from it so I really don't want to get it removed; PLUS it does its job and well.


The fact that I have to take the progesterone has nothing to do with the IUD and everything to do with my natural cycle, as I get bad PMS on my natural cycle. According to my doctor the only thing I can do is take hormones to even out my natural ones.


I don't want the hormones and the daily need to take the pill -- it's like pill prison. But I will have to settle for hormones if I want to feel normal again. Unless there is something else I can do which is why I'm on this forum hoping someone can help me or at least sympathize.

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For years I was in a relationship with a guy who'd had a vasectomy, so no contraception necessary; I'd been on the pill for years, to keep my periods regular, but came off it when our relationship became exclusive - and then I had period pains and PMS the way nature intended. Really suicidal PMS; I was told by my therapist at the time that the concentration of hormones was triggering off something in my unconscious, and I discussed this with my GP.


I was prescribed norethisterone - it's actually used for HRT - but a very low dose, and that worked immediately. I just took it for seven days a month and it not only eliminated the PMS but made my periods lighter. Also, there's some research that suggests that prozac, just for a few days at the relevant time of the month, will have the same effect. Because it IS just for a few days, there's no risk of getting dependent on it. There's something about it here: link removed


Clary sage essential oil will also help with PMS symptoms; it's likely to make your periods heavier but the other side of it is they finish more quickly. Don't drink alcohol if you're using it, though, or you'll get really drunk. There are many online articles about how to use it, if you're interested. It will also considerably ease period pains.


Whatever, there ARE options. You don't have to suffer like this.

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Hi nutbrownhare.


That is exactly what happened to me, I went off of birth control pills and my natural cycle kicked in, causing me to have horrible PMS. I am not suicidal but it is bad enough to effect my relationships. It is interesting because you would assume natural states are the best, but I guess it is not so true when it comes to some women's cycles. I suppose just accepting this fact is hard for me. I was content with my copper IUD and hormone-less cycle.


My doctor prescribed me norethistrone as well, but I am using it like birth control -- taking it once a day for my whole cycle. I am excited to hear that you were able to use it only for a week or so a month. This seems like a really good solution for me. I should ask my doctor about this. I am taking Micronor though, and I reckon you can get higher and lower doses of norethistrone.


I will look into the clary sage, thank you for the suggestion. I was at the organic market looking at things but it is very overwhelming if you don't know what you're looking for.


You're right, there are options. I don't have to suffer with this at all. You sound like my boyfriend

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