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Just a quick question


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Is it considered amicable or strange when a male friend kisses the top of your head? It seems that this is quite a common occurrence with me with various guys. Since I am quite petite I assume it's because of my height and is meant as a form of endearment and feels brotherly to me. Especially when these guys are friends with my man. Often theres an arm wrapped around me and I get a small peck on the head. I find it a bit unusual especially since its happened with various guys, but I don't mind it because it makes me feel kinda protected (funnily enough)

And by guys it includes both straight and gay


what do you guys think? have you had similar experiences with guys where its solely friendship that exists on the surface?

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I've never kissed a girl on top of her head. I don't think I'd be comfortable doing that to anyone, it's too affectionate for someone I wasn't dating and too little for someone I was seeing. I'm from Midwest so not in our norms.

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