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being a Christian

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Yeah there are many "spelling" and translation mistakes since the Bible went from Latin, to Greek, to Hebrew, back to Latin, then to English. It's supposed to go back to Greek sometime soon as well. Many of these mistakes cause many missinterpretations about life and afterlife. One of the biggest ones would be Gahenna. This was an acutal place in Jerusalem used to burn garbage and dead bodies. Jesus used this place as a metaphor to the Jews about what Hell would be like, but when they wanted to use that same metaphor with the Greeks, the Greek dictionary didn't have a word that would mean the same things. The closest word they could find was Hades, which is a complete miss-translation, but worked for the metaphor. Things like this can be found within the Bible in many different places. The thing is the Bible isn't meant to be take literally, but more symbolic. God's messages are very symbolic and He uses metaphors and associations like the one above to get His message accross. Problem is too many people take things literally, and then start to make general mistakes during translation. It's a problem, but I can't give an answer on why God allowed it to happen. But then again God shouldn't be the one to blame for a human mistake, that's why God gave us free will.

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Remember God has forgiven us for all of our sins, thats why Jesus died on the cross. God just expects us to turn to him when we need to make decisions. And when we make poor ones thats causes consequences...not always God punishing us...its the decisions that we made that caused them. Does that make sense?

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But if God gave us free will then that means EVERY decision we make is up to us, both good and bad. It would make no sense for God to give us free will if we were just supposd to use it to turn our lives over to him and do what he wants (as i've heard some people claim). That isn't true free will. God isn't to blame when we make mistakes. But God also isn't responsible when we make a good choice. We are the one's responsibile for every decision in our lives. We are the agents of our own salvation. You can ask yourself what God or Jesus would want you do to, but ultimately you are the one who does it.

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well, when you were growing up..it's like your parents. they want what's best for you. they want you to go to school, work hard, hang out with decent friends, be safe, have a good life, make something of yourself, etc. but it doesn't mean you're going to do it. your parents don't control you. they want what's best for you, but they don't control you like robots. God wants what's best for his children

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I agree, and God shows us what we need. Its like in the matrix when Morphious says to Neo, " I can show you the door, but you have to walk through it." Its the same with God, He shows us His Word and He shows us how we can be saved by Him. And yes to a certain extent we make our own salvation, but we don't save ourselves, God does that. We just make choices to get to that point or not to. You could use it this way....God gave us all free will, and at 9/11 when those men flew the planes into the WTCs they claimed it was for God. I truly believe that God didn't not want them to commit murder against innocent people, its against one of the ten commandments.....but they have free will and made that choice to do that. Unfourtunately its the same for the enemy. The devil will show you the door and you can choose to walk through it or not. Every decision is like a cross road to God and to the enemy.

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I agree that God shows us the way and wants us to do what is right and be the best people we can be. She wouldn't approve of 9/11 or anything of the kind which is why the very thought of a "holy war" is distrubing. I also agree that we are not robots programmed to do God's will. But I've never fully understood the notion that God is our savior. It sounds nice and gives us something to look forward to and believe in. I don't have a problem with anyone who thinks that way. I just like to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities. Honestly, none of us knows what happens after death so I figure we'll find out when we get there. No matter what it doesn't change how we should act here and now. Maybe God will save me, in which case I should be a good person. Maybe I could be reincarnated to a higher form, in which case I should be a good person to ensure it happens. Maybe there is nothing in which case I should make this world the best place it can be.No matter what we should do the right thing and help others.


My other thought about God saving us is that it places too much emphasise on doing something because it will lead us to God. I feel that if I do something good for people, without ever considering if its something God would want me to do, then my action is purer. I'm doing it because I want to do it and I believe in acting that way for no other reason than it is the right thing to do. My goal isn't to be saved its simply to help others. Someone mentioned that the goal of Christianity is to be Christ-like. Helping others soley because you can is as Christ-like as it gets.


And thanks everyone for a great discussion. I love philosophical discussions like these.

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Helping others soley because you can is as Christ-like as it gets.


That is the best attitude to have. When I hear people at church saying that they are going to help people or do something for the community just so God knows there a good person, it makes me realize how "fake" those people can be. My pastor spoke about this last week, and he pretty much said the same things you did. God doesn't want you (people) to do good things just to get to Him, God wants you (people) to do good things beacuse you want to do those things to help humanity.

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Thanks, that is exactly how I feel. I think that to many people get caught up in doing things because of what they will get out of it, and whats a better reward then eternal happiness in heaven? Then they only do things for that reward. My philosphy is to just remove God and religion from the equation and focus on being a good person and helping others because my heart and soul lets me know I should. Fighting the good fight just because you can.

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Thanks, that is exactly how I feel. I think that to many people get caught up in doing things because of what they will get out of it, and whats a better reward then eternal happiness in heaven? Then they only do things becuase for that reward. My philosphy is to just remove God and religion from the equation and focus on being a good person and helping others because my heart and soul lets me know I should. Fighting the good fight just because you can.


i agree.


but, acknowledging god as that savior is also important. again, like parents. my parents may help me pay for college, but i don't do everything in college for them. i dont learn and make grades just for them. but i do acknowledge their help in getting me there and being my parents.

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But I don't see how God is that savior. As I said, we make every decision in our lives and so what happens is completely in humanity's hands. Why wait for God to save us and welcome us to heaven when we can just make heaven on earth? Why not just save ourselves from any kind of pain, hurt, or evil by building a just, peaceful world? Using the analogy of God being like a parent and us as children, every good parent I know whats their children to not only do well, but to do better than they did. It would seem like Gods ultimate plan would be for us to become just like him or even succeed him (if thats possible). And as I've stated previously, God would be humble enough to not care if we acknowledge her as a savior, as long as we are being good people.

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Does it matter what happens when we leave earth? Or is what is truly important what happens on earth, during our live and after? The real salvation of my life is not going to be being with God. It is going to be the fact that I made a difference in people's lives and helped make this world a better place. Everyone is entitled to there own belief in what happens after death. But no matter what you believe the same basic idea applies, do good now while you are on earth. If God does welcome me than thats great. If some other version of the afterlife is correct, or there is no afterlife, then at least I have the satisfaction of knowing that I did good in the world. By focusing on our actions today we focus on the things that unite everyone and don't risk letting religious or philosophical differences come between us.


And does God pick us up or do we pick ourself up? Does God give us the strength or does the strength come from our own will and determination?Do people just say that God gave them the strength because they are afraid to admit they had the power to overcome there problems all along but failed to do so?

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i'm not saying we shouldn't make the best of this life. but don't you think this life is pretty short? what about after this? and even if you don't believe in God, i do believe we at least to a certain extent gather strenght from others. so yeah, i do believe those who trust in and place their lives in the hands of God do gather strength from Him.

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Sure, this life is short. That's all the more reason to make each and everyday we are fortunate enough to be alive the best it can possible be. Why worry about something that is hopefully a long distance away and something we honestly know nothing about. None of us will know for sure what happens after death until we die. So why not focus on what we do know, our life today? I just don't see the point in being so concerned about an afterlife when there is so much to enjoy, experience, and do now. I'll worry about death when it gets here and as long as I've lived a good life then I have nothing to be concerned about.

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Well most people are so concerned with the afterlife due to the uncerntanty of death. Most people feel they need to work towards that afterlife, since death can come to them in any day at anytime. But I think people should try to have an attitude similiar to yours. I don't worry about death at all, and like you, I just live each day one day at a time, experiencing all God gave me and doing as much as I can to help everyone else. I know when I die, it's my time to die, and that's why I would rather live each day as "good" as I could, so when death does come I wont have to feel like I "missed out" on anything. If you keep trying to prepare for the future, then you wont be ready for the present, and what it has to offer you.

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Yes you can be religious but not be a Christian, but in the real question is do you have a relationship with God? You don't have be religious to have that, but you can't be a Christian without it. Its like saying, I am a going to heaven because I am a good person. Well, thats not true, the only way to God is through Jesus.

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