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I haven't posed anything on here for some time now and I really need some advice.


I have recently started seeing my ex again. Lots of dating and hanging around (it's almost friends with benefits) it's lovely to have him back in my life. I have really missed him.


However ... We have been completely honest with each other and have talked about everything since we split.


We have both dates other people and slept with other people.


When my ex was single he used to go to gay sauna's and would sleep with other men. (I still cannot get around the concept of it) he attended several times and has informed me he was always safe and has been tested after every visit.


He also has had sexual relations with his best friend several times - who is straight.


Even when we have been dating my ex has been snap chatting his genitalis (supposedly in a humorous way) to his friends.


I don't know if I'm being stupid but all these factors are confusing me. I have tried to push these to the back of my mind the past few weeks but my ex keeps trying to have 'the talk' with me about us getting back together.


The 2nd and 3rd point are worrying me the most. Should he be sending/receiving pictures of penis? And how am I supposed to trust him everytime he's with his best friend?


Please help.

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You said you're friends w/ benefits, to me that means your friends, have sex and there's nothing else attached to it, you're free to do as you please w/ others so he's not out of line with my understanding of FWB. So you say he wants to have "the talk", if getting back together is something you want, you'd need to discuss what the boundaries are in your relationship. Does getting back together mean you're exclusive? If so, do you trust him to respect that? These are things you need to think about and discuss if YOU want to get back together with him.

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