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Best friend flirts with boyfriend


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Hullo everyone. Alright, so I've been dating this amazing guy who I am very smitten with, so to speak...But my best friend won't stop flirting with him. The thing is, she doesn't flirt with him out of the desire to BE with him...she just does it. And I don't know why. This definitely isn't the first time either. She's flirted with a few other friends' boyfriends to the point of driving them crazy. She did this with my last boyfriend too. I know it isn't serious...because she's not actually trying to take him from me. But I just can't think of a good reason for it. I have an incredible relationship with my lad, but I do get really jealous when they talk and laugh alot together without me. I know that she wouldn't be giving him this kind of attenion if we werent going out, because she never paid any attention to him prior to it. I've brought the issue up with her once or twice and she just flat out denied it. Mostly I don't see them together, but they see eachother when I'm not there and my friend will always tell me allllllll these stories about what they do together and how she "loves" him...Like she's very much trying to make me jealous. And its a success.


Can anybody shed any light on why she might be doing this, a similar situation or if I should just stop worrying about it? Thanks!

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growl....nothing like a friend who competes with you....tries to take what she can't have even if she really doesn't want it...it's a challenge to her. Don't be so sure she is being innocent...


there are lines you don't cross, and in my opinion, if you tell her in no uncertain terms that you don't like her behavior and she doesn't cut it out...she isn't worth being friends with.

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Well the most obvious thing is, she's trying to either make you jealous, or actually trying to usurp your boyfriend.


However, as you've assured us that the latter is untrue, that just leaves her trying to make you jealous.


Tell me, does she have a boyfriend? I ask this, because it may be a problem linked to her being single, and everyone else having a partner.


If this is the case, you are right in having no fear of her taking your boyfriend. This is her sub-consciously attacking you directly.


If this is the case, the only cure is either finding her a partner, or talking to her about it.... Again and again, until she admits it!


If this isn't the case, it may just be 'in her nature' to take this attitude towards the opposite sex.


Again, just have a serious, down-to-earth talk with her. Until she subsides. Or finds a partner.


XxX xXx

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Yeah, I agree with trying to get her her own BF so she leaves yours and everyone else's alone!!


I don't think she's doing this to make you jealous intentionally, but you should put an end to it anyway because it's totally rude of her.


I think she's really doing it because her self-esteem rests on whether a guy gives her "that" kind of attention or not. I've got a friend like that -- very similar. THE most important thing to her in the world is whether or not she's hot enough (or fun enough or whatever girlie adjective you want to throw in here) to get male attention. She'll flirt with her guy friends and not mean a thing by it.


It's a completely self-absorbed trait and not one to be put up with. IMHO. My friend has some common sense not to flirt with someone else's guy (well, not mine at least), but other women don't have that much integrity. I say, have a talk with her -- and make it clear that you want her to happy with her OWN fella. Good luck!

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