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Well, I want to know if it normal if you haven't started your period and you have already turned 14. All my friends have started theres and I was sort of wondering if there is something wrong with me. Also I've been haveing these weird headaches for the last month and my friend thinks I'm gonna start mine soon. Theres also the fact that I'm sort of scared of starting my period.


Well if anyone has some advice please tell me

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its not weird that ur 14 and havent started ur period yes im 14 and already got mine but all girls bodys are differnt most of my cousins and stuff didnt get theres until they were 16 the headachs might be because of ur period but just might be stress and believe me its not scary getting your period im not sayin its fun and ur not gonna like it and u will get sick of gettin every month u are lucky that u dont ahve to deal with it yet but it u are really worried talk to ur mother ask her when she got hers. Just think it will be coming soon!

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Don't worry, you are perfectly normal! I got my period only a few months ago, and I was 15. My mom didn't get hers until she was 16! The age your friends get their period has nothing to do with you; some people get it early, some people get it later. Enjoy it now, because having your period isn't fun at all...


And your headaches are probably due to the fact that you're stressing over not getting your period... just relax! Like OinNloveI said, if you need some reassurance, ask your mother when she got hers. Most likely she's a "late bloomer" too. Don't be worried at all.

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Every young lady ( ) gets their period at a different time. I was in the 4th grade when I got mine, and I freaked out. But, since you are 14, and have some knowledge about it, maybe you'll do better than I did.


Just talk to your Mom, she's been through it. Hey, don't act like it's a bad thing that you haven't received it. Enjoy your time without it.



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