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Thank you all so much for your help...I really appreciate it...and I am working on my weight...so far i've lost 30 pounds...but i have one question about self esteem...how do i get high self-esteem...like what are some tips for getting self-esteem...i heard alot of people saying that popular people make fun of others to boost their self-esteem....should I make fun of people to increase my self-esteem??



I was going to say that if you are unhappy about your weight then do something about, but luckily your already making the effort. Congrats on losing 30lbs. Keep the good work up.


U don't have to make fun of people to build your self esteem. U don't like people making fun of u so thereforeeee rise above that immaturity. By losing weight and getting that figure u want will more than likely build your self esteem anyway.


For the record I prefer a girl who has something more to hold onto. Especially in the butt area (has to be firm though )

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When i was 13, there was this fat girl who went out with the most popular and sought after boy. what made her attractive was how she carried herself. she was smart, funny, and extremely confident. she dressed well and ate well, and was into sports.


i think if you carry yourself well, then the boys will be attracted to you.

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I don't know whether or not the issue has been mentioned yet, as I didn't thoroughly read the entire thread, but I'd like to say that fit means skinny, but skinny doesn't nesissarily mean fit. It's great that you're losing weight, but remember it is good to have some meat on the table. To me, and I'm sure to most other guys, an overly skinny girl with nothing much more that skin and bone is just as unattractive as an overweight girl, if not less attractive. Personally, I like a fit girl who is thin, but maintains a balance of muscle and fat. The kind of body obtained not by eating less, but working out and exercising. This is why i don't find girls like say...Paris Hilton sexy at all. She's got nothing. A woman such as, I dunno, Lindsay Lohan has a much more desirable frame. I don't particularly like Lindsay, but I can't really think of an example anyone would know about, although I have a few friends who I might even find more attractive than her, lol.


Anyway, I really wish I would stop seeing so many exessively skinny girls think they look better than others, or even think they still don't look good enough. If they just followed food eating habbits and kept a good exercise habit, there would be so many more attractive women.



...by the way, I sometimes find myself attracted to larger women...lol.

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You don't have to sink to the level of teasing others to build self-esteem, your better than that. Focus on the good qualities you have. Evy38 give you a good list to start with so work from there. You are obviously a smart and caring person. You realized you wanted to do lose weight and have shown great determination in sticking to that plan. I'm sure you have countless other good qualities.


Also, find some activity that you enjoy doing. You can build esteem by becoming really good at it and you will have fun in the process. Nothing builds confidence better than being able to smile, laugh, and just have a good time.

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Hi there,

Well I can certainly relate to your post girl. I'm not a skinny woman myself but you know what? The fact that I'm not skinny has not prevented me from doing all the things I have wanted to do in life.


I have dated good looking men too... so they are not the exclusive property of "skinny" girls. There are plenty of men out there who like a girl with some curves.


I don't know why some people have this notion that skinny equals beautiful. There are plenty of ugly, skinny people out there.. lol.. well there are!


Believe in yourself and bring out your best features. The way you carry yourself is just as important as your looks. Congrats on losing the 30lbs. that's an accomplishment right there. I'm proud of ya.



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All the stuff y'all are saying is what i hear all the time...I try to have self confidence and love myself but its so hard when people make fun of you like right in front of your face and call you ugly...


When you are coming back to a more normal weight there will be plenty of people who will want to put you down and make efforts to hurt your progress. Let them be for the time.


When you are ready start to stand up to those around you who are pushing their bad feelings off on you. don't allow them to do this as it will hurt your self esteem and make your weight come back again.

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It's just the way the world works.


And by the way, there are as much girls that don't give fat males an ounce of attention as there are guys who don't give fat females an ounce of attention. Don't me it seem like we're the only ones who do it. I have 3 "fat" friends. All guys. And they get ignored by all the good-looking girls.

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the fact thats its not a permenint thing.. u can lose waight n u can get skinnier... take advantage.. amagin if u cant get skinnier n u had to stay how u r ur hole life. if there is a way to get skinnier then dont be mad at anyone but ur self.


get involved in a sport i say, or just work out or something..


oh yea dont like stop eating at all cus u can really hurt ur self doing that.

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well, truth be told here, i don't tend to like fat girls mainly cause they're larger than me. i'm quite thin myself, and i, like most guys, like women to be smaller than me.


i advise exercising more and eating healthy. not for the sake of being thin or attractive, but just because it's healthy. people generally look for signs of health for attractiveness anyway. it's an automatic response: healthy body, healthy mind. if you take care of your health and body it shows self appreciation and confidence. and i recommend it in all aspects. people too skinny should eat more healthy. being healthy can give you an incredible amount of energy, makes you feel better cause you're more chemically balanced, keeps you at a healthy cholesterol levels, keeps your skin clear and smooth, etc.

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