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Everything posted by BritWhitney07

  1. There is this guy that goes to my friend's church and he's like 19 and im 16 and I really like him. I've had a crush on him for a really long time now. I want to approach him and talk to him but I don't know what I should say to him. I really need some advice on what I should say to him without looking like a fool. Thank you in advance!
  2. Thank you guys for all your comments and advice except for incred!ble's message . I really want to thank evy...you really helped me....Thanks!!
  3. Thank you all so much for your help...I really appreciate it...and I am working on my weight...so far i've lost 30 pounds...but i have one question about self esteem...how do i get high self-esteem...like what are some tips for getting self-esteem...i heard alot of people saying that popular people make fun of others to boost their self-esteem....should I make fun of people to increase my self-esteem??
  4. All the stuff y'all are saying is what i hear all the time...I try to have self confidence and love myself but its so hard when people make fun of you like right in front of your face and call you ugly...
  5. Why don't guys ever date fat girls and why don't they flirt with them?? They need love just like skinny girls
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