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"Finding" your type...


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We all know that some people have no problem finding others wanting to date them. Has anyone considered that the ease of this ability or trait can be reflective of one's Myers-Briggs personality profile? I must admit this never dawned on me until for some reason I opted to take this test again. The results were stunning and the more I read about the types I gravitate between the more it makes sense why I tend to be on the end of the spectrum where it is difficult. Has anyone else reached the same conclusion?

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I just did this test and it is VERY accurate. SCARY. I just posted about being in love with a shy guy and look what it said about my personality type:


Preferred partners: INFJ and INTJ types. ENFPs should be aware that it may take a while to draw these types out of their shells during the dating phase – it is quite unlikely that this will happen after one or two dates even though the connection will probably be instantaneous.


Best Career Choices for ENFPs


When choosing a career path, it is a good idea for people to understand the potential strengths and weaknesses of their personality type. People with the ENFP personality type do best in jobs that offer a lot of flexibility. Because they are empathetic and interested in people, they often do well in service-oriented careers. They should avoid careers that involve completing a lot of detailed, routine tasks. Some career options that might appeal to an ENFP include:





TV Anchor/Reporter



Social Worker





And I studied Journalism.

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What is your test result and what type do you gravitate to?


I gravitate between INTJ and INFJ both respectively representing a low segment of the population. After reading that though it sort of made things come to light in regards to the way I perceive myself viewed in general as well as beyond the scope of romance.


As far as types I have "found," most of the relationships I have had were initiated by the woman, ironically enough 5 consecutive girlfriends had birthdays within a three week range of each other.

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Which site are using to finding your type?


There are several free sites out there, I don't know the rules on posting URLs so I'll just say do a search on MBTI test and/or Keirsey personality test. I would take a couple (not all in a row) as your objectiveness may vary with your temperament. You will though sense a definitive trend which may lend to an epiphany or at worst 15 minutes or so where you won't be bored.

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There are several free sites out there, I don't know the rules on posting URLs so I'll just say do a search on MBTI test and/or Keirsey personality test. I would take a couple (not all in a row) as your objectiveness may vary with your temperament. You will though sense a definitive trend which may lend to an epiphany or at worst 15 minutes or so where you won't be bored.


So it would find which type you should match up with?


Could you PM it to me?

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