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Do puppies get "grumpy" before sleep time?


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This is actually something you need to work with them on. It's considered a sign of aggression. The puppy is agitated.


It needs to be taught that there is no need for aggression when they are tired.


Oh I am working with her on it. I firmly say no and she gets the silent treatment for a few minutes WHENEVER she makes teeth to skin contact.


I was just wondering if it related to her being grumpy.

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Of course... I'm not a baby and i get grumpy when i'm overtired too!


and depending on the age, the puppy may be teething and they will try to chew and bite everything if they are... make sure she has plenty of chew bones/toys to play with. A great way to stop a 'mouthy' puppy is to say 'no' when they try to chew on you, and immediately hand them something 'legal' for them to bite/chew on instead like a bone. They'll eventually catch on that biting bone = good, biting you = bad.

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Of course... I'm not a baby and i get grumpy when i'm overtired too!


and depending on the age, the puppy may be teething and they will try to chew and bite everything if they are... make sure she has plenty of chew bones/toys to play with. A great way to stop a 'mouthy' puppy is to say 'no' when they try to chew on you, and immediately hand them something 'legal' for them to bite/chew on instead like a bone. They'll eventually catch on that biting bone = good, biting you = bad.


She only a little over two months, so she is teething. I got her one toy she really likes but I'm going to get a bunch more

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i recommend puppy kindergarten. But maybe when she is sleepy, don't bother her. Set her up in her crate with nice blankets. Don't try to pester her or play with her. See if that helps. And puppies do like their mouths on everything - even the most docile sweet dogs. A mother dog or other puppies will "correct" the puppy or play fight to establish boundaries and learn behaviors. So its part gentle correction and part knowing that puppy may be warning you that she is tired and she doesn't want to be messed with

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OP said in one thread that her Pit is 3 months old... too early for aggression that I would rule it out. They are at a teething stage and will nip/nibble/bite anything you put in front of their face. My puppy wanted to chew on things to "relax" for the evening before and that's natural. His chewing/nipping didn't stop until at 8 months.


Puppy training starts on DAY 1- as soon as you bring her home, teach her expectations and boundaries. Do not encourage your dog to put her mouth on your hands or anyone else. This is never ok and must be corrected when it happens. The sooner you train your dog at an early age and are consistent, the more well behaved they will be. My dog was TOP of his puppy class at 4 months old because I was extremely consistent... and your dog can be well trained at that age too. You can be firm and strict all you want, but it boils down to gaining the dog's respect- this is achieved through consistency. She plays too rough or put bites you... 5 second time out, no more play until she is in a relaxed mindset.


I do not recommend giving dogs raw hide or pigs ears for chewing.


1. Pig ears have been recalled several times because some have contained Salmonella or dogs have choked on them because they splinter. My vet has warned me against giving pigs ears to dogs because she has had to surgically removed pigs ears from dogs' throats.

2. Raw hides contain chemicals, many are bleached for that whitening color you see, that are not healthy for a dog's digestion system. My dogs have displayed digestion irritation when they chew and swallow raw hides.


My recommendations:

1. link removed Made with vegetables and chicken that it won't upset their digestion. Plus it is healthier! I live with three different go breeds (collie, Corgi, and a Japanese Chin)... they all LOVE these and won't leave them alone. You can get them at Wal-mart for $10.

2. link removed My Corgi puppy is the only one who loves to chew on these AND his breath smells so fresh! Contains vitamins, minerals, and veggie/fruit.

3. link removed. They are just like the Dream Bone. PRO have many flavors such as chicken, peanut butter, and dental fresh. CON they are pricier than the Dream Bone.

4. Deer antlers. Petsmart/Petco sell them. If you have deer nearby and one of them loses an antler... FREE. My friend's doberman loves to gnaw on deer antlers.

5. Ice Cubes. Great for puppies who are teething and need something to help with inflamed gums. and again... free and easy to make.


Giving your dog a variety to chew appropriate things will mentally stimulate her so she won't be bored with chewing ONE thing and be tempted to chew on things she isn't suppose to have (i.e. furniture, carpet, clothing, etc.). This also helps control a dog's chewing habits throughout puppyhood.

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