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Does a third date mean she's interested?


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So third date with online girl this weekend, and still not really sure what she's thinking...


1st date was fun, though no physical contact and I got pretty wasted and she cheek turned me as I went for kiss at end of date


2nd date was also fun, but again not much physical contact. More than nothing (i.e. touching legs when sitting together and a few fun pokes etc) and a quick peck on lips at end but she made sure it was quick (lots of other people around so perhaps why not more).


She seemed keen to agree to third date when I called a couple of days after 2nd, but I'm not really getting any concrete signs of interest yet. Contact has been pretty much zero other than arranging meets. I guess it's good she readily agreed to a third, right? Or perhaps she's just bored and I'm the entertainment?


How should I play it next time? I know I need to go in for the kill but really don't want to make a fool of myself.


Something else that made me doubt is that when we were playing Q&A and talking about bad dates, she mentioned she is bad at letting guys down if she is not interested. Possibly a hint? But then we met on a dating site and by default she knows I'm not looking for a new friend right so why would she agree to keep meeting?



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Hi What,


The quote below is from another poster on another thread. Should give you some hope. Some-times we women take a while to warm-up. But if she's still agreeing to meet with you, you must have something.


I once read a quote by John Gray about attraction, "Men are like blowtorches. They heat up really fast and then turn off in an instant. Women are more like ovens: they slowly heat up and slowly cool off.


There is some truth to that. However if nothing is happening by date 5, I'd probably move on.





I've been dating my current boyfriend for about 6 months now and in the beginning of our dating relationship I was unsure of what I thought of him. I was attracted to him and found him intellectually stimulating, but I just wasn't sure how I felt about him beyond that. And I remained still somewhat undecided, and physically detached, 3 or 4 dates in.


On the 3rd or 4th date, after a moment of laughter and comfortableness, my now-boyfriend told me he was attracted to me and enjoyed being with me and asked if he could kiss me. I said yes. That's when the physical aspect of the relationship began to develop and now, six months later, I'm very happy and satisfied in our new budding romance.



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Yes. A third date means she is interested. Don't worry about the physical contact yet. She doesn't know you well enough! You can test the waters by touching her elbow lightly when you walk with her to make emphasis on the point you are making or getting her attention to look at something. Offer to take her hand over a mud puddle, etc - stuff like that. Don't push too much yet. I would just work on getting to know her and seeing if you are compatible to see if YOU are interested in HER.

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So 3rd date panned out pretty much the same as the 2nd. We got a little closer this time and the quick peck at the end of 2nd date turned into a (very) quick kiss with mouth open on third.


She mentioned when we were talking about dating earlier on in the date that she doesn't like it when guys come on strong during the first date or two as she sees it as more of an opportunity to get to know someone on a platonic level.


I'm can normally suss if someone is into me after 3 dates, but with this girl I have absolutely no idea. One sign of interest from her is all I'm looking for, but she hasn't given me anything. I like her, but I really don't want to waste my time if it's for nothing. Is it worth one more shot?

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So 3rd date panned out pretty much the same as the 2nd. We got a little closer this time and the quick peck at the end of 2nd date turned into a (very) quick kiss with mouth open on third.


She mentioned when we were talking about dating earlier on in the date that she doesn't like it when guys come on strong during the first date or two as she sees it as more of an opportunity to get to know someone on a platonic level.


I'm can normally suss if someone is into me after 3 dates, but with this girl I have absolutely no idea. One sign of interest from her is all I'm looking for, but she hasn't given me anything. I like her, but I really don't want to waste my time if it's for nothing. Is it worth one more shot?


Hi What,


I think perhaps 1 more shot so you can satisfy yourself that you gave it a fair old run. I guess if things aren't movingby date 4, so that you know where you stand, then they never will.


What does your gut say?



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I lol'd at "...and I got pretty wasted and she cheek turned me as I went for kiss at end of date." I imagined some dude swaying side-to-side and slurring his speech and then getting rejected.


But she's agreed to a third date...definitely a good sign especially considering you got drunk on your first date! Enjoy, homie!

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I'm can normally suss if someone is into me after 3 dates, but with this girl I have absolutely no idea. One sign of interest from her is all I'm looking for, but she hasn't given me anything. I like her, but I really don't want to waste my time if it's for nothing. Is it worth one more shot?


Ask her during date no4. Maybe she gives out signs that you can't read. In any case, just the fact that she agrees to go out with you, doesn't mean she sees you 'that way'.

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Okay - its a peck on the cheek on date two and a quick mouth kiss on date four and you are NOT SURE that she LIKES you?? What do you expect, for her to rip her clothes off? She has clearly told you that she likes to get to know someone in the beginning - that is great. She wants to know who you are as a person and doesn't want to get hot and heavy with a guy immediately. Isn't it good to get to know someone really well and let things take their course? I met my boyfriend and he was a stranger to me before our first date. We had no physical contact whatsoever for the first two dates and the third was just simply innocent gestures like touching my elbow to get my attention, etc., so i would turn and see something that was passing down the street. We have been together a few years now.


Are your conversations good??


I would not dump her if she agrees to a 4th date. To me, as a woman, who is not touchy feely at the beginning, a guy has to attract my mind first, and you are actually at a faster pace with physical contact than i was with my boyfriend. And we have a great relationship and more stuff happened - but we were strangers when we met for our first date. So hence, no touchy feely stuff.

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Okay - its a peck on the cheek on date two and a quick mouth kiss on date four and you are NOT SURE that she LIKES you?? What do you expect, for her to rip her clothes off?


My thoughts exactly! She keeps accepting and she get a little closer each time. What the harm in continuing? You have something better lined up? My guess is no...so why not see where this goes?

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Agree, it's progressing faster than some of my past dates.


I think that you were lucky to get more dates after getting drunk and trying to lay one on her haha. That was bold! I don't think trying to kiss her in a place with lots of people around is the best idea either.


She must like you though if she keeps wanting to go out. I'd try set up a more intimate date if you want things moving along a bit faster. Although I agree with abitbroken, she seems to have made it clear she likes things to go slow, so you'll run the risk of pushing her too soon. Your call in the end.

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