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Can someone's smile actually be a TURN OFF?


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I usually am the first to just flat out say I'm ugly... I'm working on not convincing myself. But here's the deal. When I smile, I can't actually show teeth without slightly opening my mouth. I'm starting to wonder if that can be creepy to girls? And what should I do to make it more "sexy"

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Well, judging by your first sentence I think you lack self-esteem. There is beauty in everyone. Don't be so hard on yourself. In regards to smiling, when someone smiles genuinely it usually changes the entire atmosphere around them. Do you ever notice that? And it has nothing to do with the "way" the person is smiling or how they look. I had issues with smiling when I was younger, I always felt that when I smiled or laughed, I looked like a freak. But over the years people have told me that I look most beautiful when I smile...so I have tried to focus more on these positive points rather than the negative. I think trying to make your smile sexier is what will creep people out. Just be yourself, smiling is contagious no matter what is looks like...... You can also practice smiling in front of the mirror just to get used to it...I know it sounds cheesy but it will condition you to just get more comfortable with your own smile!

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I guess it could be a deal breaker to some people, but I feel that once you really love someone, their flaws don't matter to you anymore. I'm actually studying to go to dental school to be an orthodontist, so I really appreciate a nice smile. But my ex had super crooked teeth and would never smile with his teeth because he was embarrassed..but whenever I made him laugh and he smiled at me, it was like sunbeams were shooting at me. I fell in love with that goofy smile and wouldn't want to change a thing about it!


So to answer your question, yes, it can be a turnoff to some women who just judge you by your appearance. But if a woman is genuinely interested in you and gives you a chance, that won't matter at all to her. Just remember that smiling is the universal language of kindness..it doesn't matter what your teeth look like, because as long as you have positive thoughts and are genuinely happy, your smile will look lovely.

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I usually am the first to just flat out say I'm ugly... I'm working on not convincing myself. But here's the deal. When I smile, I can't actually show teeth without slightly opening my mouth. I'm starting to wonder if that can be creepy to girls? And what should I do to make it more "sexy"


I find it awkward to try and show my teeth when I smile. It is not natural for me, so I just don't do it. In portraits/photos that I have tried it looks forced and unnatural, which it is. Just smile naturally.

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Yes, to me, if:

1. teeth are unhealthy (mildly crooked isn't a problem, I mean if it looks like there is decay or gum disease)

2. teeth are bleached to neon snow white -- the bleaching trend has gotten so out of hand

3. you're laughing or smiling at something unintelligently funny, inane, sophomoric


You can solve 1, 2, and 3 with the George Clooney smirk. Works for him.

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