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please give me some advice!


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Ok im gonna be honest...

Im 13 and ive never kissed

ive just got this brilliant girlfriend whos been my mate for ages. Shes known to kiss and tell... and like i say, ive never kissed...

School christmas disco in about 2 weeks. Everyone alwasys starts kissing at the end of the last dance at our discos. tradition y'know?

Anyway, you can probably see my problem.


Any advice on HOW 2 kiss her, what i dhould do???


Thanks guys


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I remember getting really scared before my first kiss. All you have to do is relax and you will be fine. This may sound silly but practise, maybe on your hand or on a poster you got of britney spears or what ever poster you got.

You will be a great kisser i bet, you just got to be confident. But if you really dont feel comfortable then dont do it just yet, if she likes you that much she wont mind.

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just be confident! girls love guys who make the first move! dont be to rough and full on, just play it cool and she'll love it! but dont let your hands wonder on the first kiss, she'll think you are afta more so sn! just be calm and dont worry confidence is the key to success! if you eva wana talk more post back or private msg me!!! :silly:

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Sorry flower I dont agree. If he does not kiss her he very well could get dumped. And if she does like him that much she might see a side to him of being prude, that she has never seen before. This could change her whol appearance of him, even if its because he's scared, she might not take it like that, or she might take it offensive. I agree with psipro. Lighty touch your lips to hers, dont pucker up or anything, and no tongue unless she starts it, and if she starts it, she's leading so just play along n have fun. Good luck wit her and have fun wit it!

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Personally I agree with flower, if it serious I dont think it will change you in her eyes, if you guys are just fooling around and having fun (which is not a bad thing) then not kissing her could change things. I dont think you will get dumped if you dont kiss her but it entirly depends on the girl.


As for lost_666's comments, women do love men who make the first move... because they are to nervous to do it and we are typically the ones that feel the need to go farther.


And mat..... "Hmm practicing..." yea i dont know how long i was practicing for my first kiss.. and it helps but its never the same keep us posted on what happens In two weeks after the disco I expect to know what happened

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yellowsnow i look back at 15 and say ptfffff puppylove if that. And I know in a few years i'll look back at today and say the same thing, part of the game.


Practicing will help but i dont recomend a poster. Its not going to make you awsome, only a real person and a good relationship can do that. Practicing only helps so you know the general thing your going to do.


Also if you hold you hand up and bring your thumb to your index finger it will make a little crease and puff up the top and the bottom, thats good practice too.

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hey, dont worry- 13 is still young! seriously, dont panic and dont just kiss the first girl who comes ur way! if u do decide to kiss her- then (speaking from a girls' view) DO NOT put ur tongue down her throat! just lightly press ur tongue onto hers- my first kiss was awful- this guy practically choked me and was like a hoover! it was wet and horrible- so be gentle and do it lightly!

seriously though, dont feel pressurised into kissing just any girl- make it special for yourself- there is plenty of time to kiss just anyone for the hell of it when u get a lil older!

Take Care and let us know what happens x

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One thing I forgot... if something happens to go wrong with the kiss... Laugh if off!


My first kiss with my current GF (and first kiss) I ended up kissing her nose because she moved her head. I just pulled back and laughed, smiled, and talked to her. I could tell she was embarrassed she even said she was sorry. If that happens its hard to tell if its time to move in for a second try, I personally didn't, saved the makeup kiss for the next day's date.

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I have never heard about the pillow or the poster kissing practice but i do know a couple to help with the technique. Two places to practice frenching are on the top of your hand and the inside of your arm(the palest part). Umm also you can practice with an apple. I haven't tried that one but I heard that it worked. Ohh and my personal fav. practice trick is to learn how to unwrap a starburst in your mouth. If you can do that then you should have no prob. manuevering your tongue if you do decide to french.Ummmmmmmmmm........Oh if you get that kiss, try and and use gentle pressure. But also try not to be sooooooooooo serious. It's supposed to be fun. Well good luck and I hope this helped. Keep us posted and tell us if it worked or not.

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lol thanks alot for all the advice guys.


I said id keep you posted, so... It didnt happen lol! Mainly because last minuite my sister was made to prefect the disco... not good. Me and my girlfriend had a great night though, and i look forward to the next disco.


Thanks again guys,


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