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So, there is this women . . .


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I once went to this handball event and this girl was flirting very heavily with me. We exchanged numbers but i never called her because she talked about how she doesn't date people in the handball community. Then i started seeing her all over the place a couple of months later at different handball parks and tournaments, even on the train but we just ignored each other.


One day i was playing handball with a friend of mine and once again she shows up, yet this time she is here to stay and this time we are forced to talk and interact with each other because apparently she had plans to meet my friend too. The same thing happens as before, she is flirting with me like grabbing me, kissing me on the cheek and stuff, maintaining eye contact. All in all i have been in enough relationships to know that she is interested in me, but then like last time she pulls the same thing as before: mentioning how she doesn't date people in the handball community etc. etc.


I sent her this text letting her know that she could always text me at my number if she ever wanted to play ball. She waited till a day and a half later at 1:14 am to respond with: k. thanks. At first i figured she wasn't going to respond at all so i kind of just gave up on the idea of her, but now i feel like i am pulling my own leg.


What should i do, should i give up on her like before, or keep up appearances and be friendly and see where things go if we ever bump into each other again. I don't understand why she is acting interested sometimes and other times its like she couldn't care less . . . I need advice.

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She sounds like she is playing around...she could be interested, or she could just be looking for attention and boosting her self esteem. Just go about your life. Don't alter your plans in any way.


You made your invitation clear, and she replied way late with a non-response. At this point it's up to her. If she does want you, she'll work for your attention.


I wouldn't get too invested with behaviour like that from her.

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She sounds like the type of girl who just wants to flirt with guys for attention and an ego boost. She seems a little self-focused and like she isn't looking for anything serious. It might be confusing and a bit hurtful, but you're probably dodging a bullet since it sounds like she has low self-esteem...or is just the type of girl who needs a lot of attention.


I would not take her flirting seriously. She's being annoying. If you see her around, be polite, but I wouldn't play into the situation or expect anything from her. She can find someone else to jerk around for her own amusement!

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Does she treat other guys in the same manner she treats you?


If she flirts with other guys then I would say she is only trying to boost her ego; however, if this behavior is only geared towards you then I would bring it to her attention and ask her "why do you get special treatment?"


I have faced women like these and the best way to handle it is to simply confront them and ask them "if you don't date guys who are in the handball community" then why do you give me your number and flirt with me?


Tell her flat out.....put her game right back in her face.


In addition, don't expect anything serious from her. It sounds like she is just trying to play with your emotions. If this woman really liked you then she wouldn't play with your emotions and risk losing you. Avoid people like these.

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i guess she just likes the attention? i think she's being a bit bratty to be honest. what's up with kissing you and then telling you she doesn't date guys in the handball community? then again, your 'text me if you want to play ball' isn't really a great invite. it's very passive, not so interesting. blah.

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'text me if you want to play ball' isn't really a great invite. it's very passive


Yeah, i am a little on the fence about her thats why i just put that out there, because i don't want to come accross being too aggressive and then it be awkward in the future. I don't think she treats other guys like this, she is sort of reserved. I think its just that she's slightly older than me like 5 years and is afraid of getting hurt, i think we are both just cautious people so its hard to make moves.


I agree with other people about the games playing, i just feel like there is a reason behind it. Sometimes those 'type' of people don't let others into their life, those who don't work to earn their trust. At the same time i feel as thou, i am young and i am not trying to commit to anything, its just sometimes i feel as thou my lack of aggression towards the opposite sex doesn't get me anywhere. I think my biggest problem is just fear of rejection, once i overcome those fears these sorts of games would be less likely to take place.

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