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My EX Blocked Me On Facebook...Why?...★★★★★


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✪My EX-Girlfriend Blocked Me On Facebook...

The one I treated like a princess,and the one that broke my heart in 2.I did everything for her run her baths with petal roses with beautiful candles and music.When she was on her period got her ben and jerrys ice cream and magazines and took her out to dinner and SO much more...


✪I'm the first ex-boyfriend she blocked,She never blocked the other ex-boyfriends on Facebook and these guys lied to her and cheated on her,Why do you think she did it to me?

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Some girls don't WANT to be treated like a princess. Frankly, reading your post made my skin crawl, it sounded so smothering. Sorry. You can't make someone love you by showering them with constant attention. You have to give them some space and the opportunity to reciprocate sometimes. Any chance we could get her side of the story?


If she blocked you, she doesn't want to hear from you. If she blocked only you, she must feel that she needs to. If you dig deep, you can probably come up with the reason why she would feel that way.

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Guys who cheated or lied to her in the past, has triggered her emotion. You gave her everything and more. The thought of it logically would make sense but women like to ride the emotion rollercoaster, believe it or not (based on past experience) they don't like to be cheated or lied to, or treated bad, but by doing these things they feel a anger, unappreciated and lost of power. Its crazy but they will fight harder to keep you around if they felt more danger from the relationship than the simple smooth going one.


Now don't go and become "that" guy because it will fade in the end. You need to have the perfect balance to keep her interest. Hope that helps.

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✪I'm the first ex-boyfriend she blocked,She never blocked the other ex-boyfriends on Facebook and these guys lied to her and cheated on her,Why do you think she did it to me?


She blocked you, because a)she's feeling guilty for having treated the one guy who treated her well like crap and b) the woman has serious self-esteem issues and likely feels deep down like she doesn't deserve you but rather someone who treats her badly. Again, hence the blocking. And that just shows how emotionally unhealthy this woman is, so as hard as it may be you need to tell yourself you did your best, but there will be someone out there who appreciates you and your kindnesses who is deserving of that equally. And this ex is not that girl.

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Or c) she blocked you because you were creeping her on Facebook, liking stuff, making comments, flipping out to other people about what she's doing/new photos of her with other guys and so she put a stop to it by blocking you.


Sometimes, it's simply not possible to remain friends with an ex for all kinds of reasons and it looks like to her this is one of those times.

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Guys who cheated or lied to her in the past, has triggered her emotion. You gave her everything and more. The thought of it logically would make sense but women like to ride the emotion rollercoaster, believe it or not (based on past experience) they don't like to be cheated or lied to, or treated bad, but by doing these things they feel a anger, unappreciated and lost of power. Its crazy but they will fight harder to keep you around if they felt more danger from the relationship than the simple smooth going one.


Now don't go and become "that" guy because it will fade in the end. You need to have the perfect balance to keep her interest. Hope that helps.


Please don't generalize the whole entire gender to one group. We represent ourselves.


Dang, what's up with everyone generalizing that they hate this therefore all that gender or age group or culture hate that.


Look, we don't know why your ex block you.


What you did for your ex sounds romantic in my opinion.


Look, the relationship ended.


Time to heal yourself instead of rationalizing your ex's behavior or her reasons or whatever.


FOCUS on you. Figure out who you are.


Answers from various posters are not going to determine 100% why she did what she did.


Be who you are. Don't let us be the one to tell you how to behave to a gender. Behave in a way that's you and you're being your authentic self. If you dont, you're wasting time being someone else. Be the best that you can be.


Do this for you, not her, society, or anyone else. Do you have a vision what you want for your life? If not start thinking. And do it.

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