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The past few days in my town have been pretty rough, to say the least. One kid from my school killed himself, and over the next 2 days, 2 more kids decided to follow and end their own lives. I just wish people would consider what an impact they have on the community around them. The first kid didn't just affect his own friends and family, but everyone who knew his friends and family, and everyone who had any ties to the other kids who committed suicide. It has been extremely depressing to see my entire school and community in mourning. It's awful that these people felt so alone, because maybe things could have been different if they had only known just how many people cared about them.


"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."


Please don't quit. At times when you are really down, you tend to think about how unlikely it is that things will ever improve. Sometimes, you may be right. It may be unlikely. But it is never impossible. Please just give yourself a chance. You owe it to yourself and to the people around you. It is truly awful that it takes a chain of tragedy to make me realize this, and it's possible that no one will listen to me. I only hope that at least one person will reflect and reconsider.

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You know... this is a very good post.


When I was a starting freshman in high school I was "welcomed" with some awful news. This boy who I'd known when we were 7th and 8th graders had committed suicide over the summer. He was an athlete and very popular in school so it was a complete surprise that he had done this. We all thought he was a happy kid.


The news was that he hadn't made the junior varsity football team ( he was a sophomore) and his girlfriend had broken up with him around the same time. His step-dad was a very difficult person who was pushing him to excel in sports and all of this pressure and disappointment had just sent him over the edge.


We grieved for him..each in our own way. His parents buried him. And life went on. His class dedicated their Senior year to him and the final yearbook too, but he was gone.. he would never see this and his friends would never see him again.


I know his mother never completely recovered from that loss. She lost her second son a few years later. She's a strong lady, but no one should have to suffer so much.


I still think about him sometimes. Michael will forever be 16 to us. He never got to grow up and do the things the rest of us got to do. He would have been 37 this year.


I know that life got too hard for him and maybe he was too young to deal. If only he had asked for help, somebody would have been there for him--I'm sure of it. He cheated himself out of a future. I only hope that others will ask for help before they decide to do as he did because everything in life has a solution.

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That really is a very good post as Muneca pointed out. You seem to touch upon the realism of depression and not just....things will get better. I like how you try to reason that you need to give your life a chance and not just give up. Sometimes things don't get better. But there has to be something you have to live for. Even if it's the smallest thing. Ending your life is never an answer. I, myself, have had thoughts of dying. It isn't pleasent at all. And know I really don't think of dying as much. It's not thay anything has gotten better, it's that I keep finding things that make me happy, and the realization that other people do care.

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The sad fact is that for some people the reason is the effect that they will have on everyone around them. The thought that "they'll care then." It's a harsh fact, but it's the way things are. When you feel that no one cares you'll do extreme things to cause people to care. Weather you're there to experience the outpouring or not is beside the point.

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Very good comments made, I havent known someone who killed themselves, but was very good friends with a girl who tried it, on the outside, she looked fine, you might be able to see every so often that she might be "down", but never around friends, its an external face which she put on..

In my opinion, the world we live in kind of forces that.. it just requires that people show themselves to be happy, i dont know how better to put it, but it just forces people to hide their depression, as most of society (saying most, as there are exeptions), usually dont want to deal with depressed people, they just want things happy, and to not have to deal with sadness, especially not when its in others.


Sorry if that didnt make much sense.. it doesnt in my head either..




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gunblade, that made perfect sense. That was me for a couple years. I always tried to be happy around my family. But I wasn't. The only person that knew I was depressed was my best friend.


Without any better way to put this.....SOCIETY SUCKS!!!! Everyone's supposed to be equal, happy, problem free. Well, ITS NOT THAT EASY!!!!

We don't live in an equal world. We live in a world where--in many cases--if we be our true selves, we become outcasts. Depression can't be cured by simply saying--It will get better, because sometimes it doesn't.

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my uncle commited suicide last year.. he took the pills on the 27th and then died on the 29th.. before you ask yes we were very close.. I have been having severe depression since then and i attemped it a few times.. no one I know in real life knows about this.. I know i am extreemly depressed and tomorrow im gonna tell my gf about my suicide attempts

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thanks to everyone who posted, I think this is a very important topic. Tonight, another girl killed herself. I'm starting to feel really worn down. I can't take the emotional damage that this is causing everyone around me. I want to believe that the chain is over, but I think that the recent events have depressed people to the point where they, too commit suicide. This needs to stop. People do care. This is not the kind of attention you want to begin with. Suicide is a cowardly way out.

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it's not cowardly

people who are suicidal are strong people who have taken so much. it's a very desperate thing to consider. i've been there. i have respect for anyone who doesn't go through with it. so its not a coward's way out, i just hope people can see that its definitely NOT the best way out. there are other ways to cope and suicide solves nothing. it's the worst mistake you'll ever make..a permanent solution to a temporary problem. trust me on this one. i'm here if anyone ever needs to talk ..take care

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how do you know its lying?


you really don't know.


it takes as just much faith to say with adequate conviction that there is in fact not a god or that things in fact will never get better that it does to say there is a god or that things will get better. some of us have been there and we know that its possible for things to get better. we're offering personal support. we're not "lying." i'm sorry if you disagree but don't be so negative.


so until you can prove me with completey undeniable truth that life can never get better or that there is no God, don't call any of this "lying."


link removed

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Well it got deleted anyway (i checked rules just before posting.. but either didnt block the swearing enough, or the religious-comment)..

Me calling it lying, is just like you telling it to people as truth.. neither of us can prove it..


Nevermind though, the comment was out of line aparently, so ill just leave it at that.




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People commit suicide because they are usually extremely depressed and dont feel like anythings good.LIke people who have barely any friends,have never had a gf/bf,have family problems and so on.Ive thought about it before because i think why are the guys hot and im not?What did they do better then me to get these looks?I dont see anything better they did?Jerks get looks and a nice guy like me gets nothing?These are jsut some of the thoughts i think of.Why do my friends borrow like 100 dollars form me and never pay it back?Does that mean they are not my friend?So makes me feel like they dont care.Friends are so self centered and always think about themselves which leads me to thinking they dont care about me.Girls tease me.Family is screwed up.Maybe other can relate to what im saying but iono am i suffering from being bi-polar?Its just things that dont add up.Its liek why does a nice guy like me get so many problems and jerks get less problems it just does NOT make sense at all.

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Sorry to hear about your situation. You know what, LIFE'S JUST NOT FAIR!!! I feel exactly as you do sometimes. But, that doesn't mean you should just try to stop doing nice things. No matter how bad your life may seem, you should always try to be who you really are. If you lie to yourself about who you are, then you can never "truly" be happy; however, if you live a true life, then (I can't say it will necesarrily get better but.....) there is a "chance" that you can find happiness. No matter what your desires may be. Be who you are and be proud of it. Pride and confidence are something--that in your situation--can help you to get on with your life.


Also, I know this is mentioned quite a bit, but it's a good idea. Seek someone to talk to. It may not help you, but it certainly can't hurt you.


feel free to PM me.



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don't worry, all these jerks arent as happy as you think they are. they just handle their emotions differently. and don't worry, their actions will catch up to them in the long run. they're gonna get theirs. i know it seems unfair, but hey, nice guys finish last. your day is coming. your life is not always going to be this hard, just believe it won't! you have to believe that there is stilll hope and most importantly, you have to believe in yourself. all of us here believe in you. take care man

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You may say that it isn't a cowardly act, but I still stand with what I said earlier. Things can get rough. Horrible, dispecable things can happen to wonderful people. People may get run down to their last shreds of hope, and feel like things will never get better. You may feel bad for those who decide to end it after all of this happens. You may think that it takes a lot of courage to finally decide you've had enough. You know what takes a lot of courage? Living after all of that has happened.

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I try not to give short posts but this statement really hit me

You may think that it takes a lot of courage to finally decide you've had enough. You know what takes a lot of courage? Living after all of that has happened.

That is so true. From personal experience, I know how it feels to keep going when you got nothing to go on.


Great Post!!!

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i agree..and people who can make it through tough times are stronger, better people because of it. i'm in no way saying suicide is ok. i just don't want anyone to feel bad or selfish or cowardly just because life is hard. life is hard sometimes. they are strong people who have made it even that far. suicide is not acceptable at all, but i dont think people are cowards because it crosses their minds. don't do it, but its not your fault you're hurting. we all hurt sometimes..just realize you're not alone and that there is help and hope and your whole life will not be like this!

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