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Opinion: Beard in the workplace...

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Hello ENAers,


As the title suggests, I'm curious about opinions on beards in the workplace. How do you feel about them? If you're involved in the hiring process, would you hire someone with a beard? Do you consider them "un-professional"? Overall, would you consider the wearer of a beard in a more negative light?




- Man (bearded ladies would be another issue entirely) in job transition.

- Recently left employer of seven years.

- Interview Monday for a temporary summer position (trades related position) within a much larger organization. A panel of three individuals will conduct the interview.

- I am amply qualified for the position.

- Relocating in September for personal reasons (so, the summer position works perfectly on those terms).

- Not in a financial bind. I could afford not to work, but the extra cash would come in handy for my fall plans.

- I am a man with a beard - long, full, and cared for (looks similar to this guy's beard: link removed)

- I take care of myself - hygienically, physically, emotionally.


So...opinions! If you care to share, that is.



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90, life is too short to please everyone. If you needed the job to eat, surely shave. But since you don't, go ahead and wear that beard with pride! =)


That's how I'm feeling about it. It'd be a good temporary gig though, with some potential for future employment down the road. You just can't predict how people will see you. In a room of a hundred people, you'll have a hundred different reputations.


Thanks for the input.

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That's how I'm feeling about it. It'd be a good temporary gig though, with some potential for future employment down the road. You just can't predict how people will see you. In a room of a hundred people, you'll have a hundred different reputations.


Thanks for the input.


You're welcome. So, would you shave for the potential future employment gig? And even more deeply, what does your beard really mean to you? What does it do for your self image? What qualities do you feel are enhanced by wearing your facial hair prominently?


I am truly not trying to be intrusive, these questions are for you to answer for yourself. I don't need to know. lol

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Shave, not necessarily. Trimmed neatly so it's not ragged and be well groomed and it shouldn't be a problem. Not in the trades anyway unless the company has a policy against such things. I've seen enough trade guys with long hair and beards. It's the quality of the work that counts not the appearance so much unless you're going in and out of people's homes all day. If you're worried about it, trim it to a shorter length and let it grow back.

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