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Just out of curiosity, do any of you guys have any experience with recovering addicts?


A friend of mine is finally getting himself back. He's a little over 6 months sober now. He was struggling with a heroin addiction. He finally seems himself again, but I'm keeping my guard up. He's very open and honest about everything, encourages me to ask questions and happily answers them. I have some Nursing knowledge of dealing with addicts, but no "street" knowledge. Anyone have any input on how to be supportive and encouraging from a distance? Any experiences would be nice to read as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am 39 and have austioatheritus in my lower spine i have been talking 80mg per day of oxynorm and 10mg oxycontin morning and night.i am only suppost to take 20 mg oxynorn but over the years i have needed more and more.i am now a addict.but for the last 5vdays i have been only talking betreen 5mg and 15mg per day i am really trying my hardest for my children and partner i need to have a clear head.but finding it really difficult with thevside affects basically going cold turkey i have been in my bed for 18 hours as iam wrighting this.im scared of having a stroke or something as my mum had two strokes then 2nd one killed her she was only 60. I know i need to get clean but i need some advice as i feel so alone through this.please if anyone can help.

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