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Situation changed...


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ok the girl i like was pushin me to tell her who i like(mainly happened over the weekend)...

but yesterday her friends came on a bit strong askin me who i like...

and then she apoligized to me for it and told me that her friends wanted to set up a date between me and her and thats why they keep after me lol(but nothin happened becuz i kinda ignored them..it was in the middle of the hallway and she was yellin "do u like her" lol)...

and today i thought they were gonna ask me about goin out with her for a date but nothing happened.....so i was wonderin if she felt she came on too strong AND today they came late to school...so maybe they didnt get time to question me lol... If they do ask me wht should i do.....i like the girl they keep askin me about but....should i just say yes and feel ocward around her...another thing is that 20 other ppl will prob instantly find out...

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Why tell them, just go to her.


OK, an edit just to clarify.


I agree with Mastermind that you seem to be in a situation fairly typical for someone your age.


Everyone seems to know you like her and she lieks you, but you are not talking to her. I would do it.


But I would just go and talk to her and not about whether you or her like each other. What I would do is at the end of the conversation tell her you like talking with her, then tell her you would like to do it more often, then ask if there is a time when you can hang out to do that. After each comment, see how she reacts. If she reacts in a good way, then keep going. If not, jsut stop as soon as that happens. See, by doind all this you have gotten your answer before you ask.


I would not tell her anymore about how you feel or think about her.

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By the looks of it, this seems to be a typical pre-teen situation. My advice is to just go ahead and tell her. I know you may start to act a bit awkward around her, but chances are already feel weird around her even if you don't say anything. The bottom line is that you might as well try to make the best out of it since either way, you're going to have similar reactions around her. It's a natural tendency to be a little shy but it's really not that hard of a habit to break out of. Once you act on your instinct, you will realize that the outcome won't be as bad as you think. As for other people that will instantly find out, I can't offer much on that one since it really depends on who finds out. But the best advice I can give you on that is just not worry about it and along with a famous quote, "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Just be confident since it will be good for your self-esteem as well.

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ya im in the exact situation you described....i used to talk to her more but now that i like her i've become i bit more shy around her and dont say too much either does she... Im not sure if she likes me though...i wanna ask her out to the movies or something....just not sure wht to do, just say "hey, have u seen ****...no...u wanna come with me to see it " and should i also say "ask if **** and **** wanna come..."



any suggestions thnks

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IF you two are straying away from each other, I suggest you try to keep some kind of communication present so that you don't go too far away away from each other. Just a friendly hello or something to start talking about should help. If you have already told her you liked her, then she is probably just as shy too. Girls can feel the same way we guys do in these situations.


As for hooking up, I don't see the harm in asking her out in any way. You don't have anything to lose and have all to gain. Sure rejection is always in everyone's mind but it's just something that everyone has to deal with. It's a natural part of life. However, it's more feasible to start some small talk at least before asking her out. But otherwise, you can just ask her if she is busy on a certain day or so and go from there. I'm sure that if you do it in a confident and friendly manner, it should be fine and she may even be flattered.

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oh communication is only bad in person....like on MSN we talk a lot so thats not a problem....

there is another thing...im starting to get the feeling that she is like this with everyone she knows as a friend...and not only talkin this much to me...

askin out...i should do that in person right???

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Whatever you feel more comfortable with is the right choice to go. Asking her out online shouldn't be a problem since you two seem to be pretty well off with it. However in my opinion, asking her out in person would definitely leave a better impression on her. I wouldn't worry too much if she is like that to other people, she's probably just an amiable person. If you want to really want to establish a stronger social relation with her, it's in your hands to take action and stand out from others before someone else does. Believe me, I've seen this happen to many people before and it's very tough to miss out on an oppurtunity.

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