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GUYS... what do you prefer the freak or the lady?

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I like the in-between of the two. My g/f is a lady for sure. She presents herself in a very respectable way, and just seeing how confident she can be is a huge turn on for me. But when were in the sheets, she can be quite freaky if she wants. That also really turns me on. It's not like everytime she's a freak, and it's not like I need her to be one for us to have "fun", but the fact that she can pull off the "lady" and the "freak" is something I really enjoy about her. From past experiece, I never really liked a girl that was only one or the other, which is why I like the in-between. Girls that were only "freaks" tend to kill the spark after a while, and then things just get old. Girls that were just "ladies" seemed to demanding, and that also got old fast.

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I'm gonna have to go with everyone else on this one. My g/f is a respectable girl who has morals and a great personality that just makes people want to smile. But when I get her to tell me one of her fantaises her extremely kinky side comes out, man I can't wait 'till we're 18.

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