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Asking a guy out.. totally nerve racking


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Looking for anyone's opinion here.


So i've met a guy at work. He's super nice, and cute, and funny, and we get along great, and i've totally fallen for him. I'm pretty sure he knows i like him, everyone implies it and my friend basically told him flat out i did. I'd love to ask him to a movie or something.. but i'm a total chicken. I know, the worst that can happen is he says no.. and we just... stay friends...


I don't believe that the guy always has to ask the girl.. i'm just really nervous. How many of you girls have asked out a guy? were you nervous? worried? ect... and boys.. what do you think when a girl takes that first step... and.. are you guys nervous and such before asking out a girl?


I'd really like to go somewhere with this. I really quite like him. Anything you can offer to me will be happily accepted.



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(I'm going to be as Three dimensional as possible)


I can say that from a guy's point of view


I think the guy would love the fact that he is being asked out, I'm sure that isn't acceptable from others people's point of view, like myself, iv 'e been raised to go after what i want, so I'm always the one to ask girls out, but i tell you this, Reguardless of the fact it has not happened to me before, i would sure like it too.


I believe (Rather, I know from my side) that I would accept, it would undoubtedly makes things a little more "River" like in future plans, I say just ask him if he ever saw (a new movie title) if he responds with






"Well how about me and you go see it"


...and see what Transpires from there. Good luck ! (confidence=Success)

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All these feelings of fear and nervousness you're going through are what every man who has ever asked you out has felt but overcome. Just do it. The vast vast majority of men would love the girl to make some effort. The only men I've met who wouldn't like that have been chauvinistic meat-heads, and who the hell wants one of those?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just asked someone out 10 minutes ago. I've done that a few times imnmy life and I've never been used to it. Its hard I know, very hard. And yes, the worst thing that can happen is to hear "no". You may even try later on and that time he may say "yes". Dont try a 3rd time though.


Im often the one to ask out, but some girls have asked me a few times. And even if I've said "no" to a few girls, I've always found those girls very courageous. At the same time, you feel flattered. And I have never forgotten an occasion to tell them how I felt about them asking. (this paragraph doesnt seem really clear to me, I hope it is)


By the way, my "date" said yes, we're going to spend Wednesday evening together.


***English is my second language***

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like you said its nerve racking. but thats ok cos we all feel the same way. i would say ask him, its a life of endless possibilities. whatever his answer is, it would only make your life easier. youll either get him, or get this anxiety over with. and at worst if he says no or anything to make you feel down, you have us here to cry to. so go ahead, enjoy.

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