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Acting upon instinct.


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Well, I have read some posts and found a common problem with some.


People are asking if a girl likes them, or how to ask out a girl.


All of that can be solved with acting upon your instinct, your gut feeling.


If you are hungry and you see food, what does your instinct tell you to do? To eat it, right? And how do you know how to eat it? Because of instinct. Same thing with girls. If your gut is telling you to go ask a girl out, GO ASK HER OUT. Wondering how? Again, follow your gut. Dont stand there and picture the whole conversation in your head. That will do no good.


"Nature never deceives us, it is we who deceive ourselves". An exellent quote by Einstein. So true. If you are questioning a girl's interest level, again follow your gut and go find out. Ask her on a date. Get her number. Follow the gut. It never does you wrong.


If you are flirting with a girl, all the interest sings are there and your gut tells you to grab her butt, DO IT (make sure its not too public of a place because htat causes embarrassment for her)! Girls are horny just like guys are. If she is interested even a bit, chances are she will not slap you.


So remember, trust your instinct. It will never prove you wrong. Humans are DESIGNED for breeding, it is in our genes.


"Nature never deceives us, it is we who deceive ourselves" - Einstein

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Your instinct is usually right about things. And when a guy hesitates to approach a girl, he should keep himself from thinking so much about it and just do it. As humans we tend to always think the worst that could happen. Why not think that something positive will come out of it?


Something else - if your gut tells you that a girl is probably not interested in you, or that a girl you might be dealing with is superficial, you're probably right.

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Nice posts, couldnt be more to the truth. Your initial impression, thoughts and feelings are usually the correct ones. However in some cases people can prove you wrong! If you fell that you really like someone, the chances are that they may like you back.

Ever since you have been a child, you have been around your family, you have been around people, friends and relatives. As you progress in and out of childhood, you begin to build up a picture in your mind of what the perfect person (For you) should look like. You may not be able to see it at the moment, but it is there. As soon as you see a girl / boy who fits this perfect picture in your head, u almost fall for that person immediately. This same thing applies to personalilties. Who ever you go for is purely based on your up-bringing, this is why people have different tastes. You may also realise that some girls and boys who date may look similar to eachother, this is backed up by the statement i made above. If someone is very different from you then they probablly have different tastes in girls/boys.

Sorry didnt mean to talk waaay off the subject there, but i need to increase my post numbers...

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Really? Because I've met loads of women I thought I clicked with, asked them out only to be met with the proverbial cold shoulder. Don't forget that in nature the male often has to chase the female or put on some big display, and the winner takes it all. If we went back to nature quite a lot of males would never mate. I don't think anyone wants that.

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Really? Because I've met loads of women I thought I clicked with, asked them out only to be met with the proverbial cold shoulder. Don't forget that in nature the male often has to chase the female or put on some big display, and the winner takes it all. If we went back to nature quite a lot of males would never mate. I don't think anyone wants that.


Probably because they weren't attracted to you.


The male's "big display" is himself. His image but even more importantly character. Everything he is and everything he stands for.


You say if we went back to nature many guys would never mate....


Half true. I do not think that back in the days of the caveman men had a problem expressing their interest for women, and lets not even mention thinking silly things like "does she like me?".

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