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Trying to quit gaming addiction?


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Anyone have a serious addiction to a game like WoW, diablo, PoE, LoL? I am 27 with a job going back to classes in a week (last 2 semesters before my BA in computer science). The problem is that i have a serious game addiction which has been going on for years (11 years i would say), i have no idea how to overcome it.


It has ruined my life pretty much and i have many social problems due to this addiction (spending more time on the game then with real people in the real world). I don't know what to do, i want to do other things with my life like learn different programming languages but every month which i do well, i find myself falling back into the gaming patterns.


Guys, if anyone has honest advice then i am all ears.

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Hmm. I wonder if this is like another addiction, alcohol say, where you have to go "cold turkey" for awhile in order to reset your brain? Have you tried that?


I suspect that it might be more akin to a person with a food addiction - you can't go "cold turkey." he is studying computer science so he can't stop using computers. just like the food addict can't stop eating food. but you can manage how much time you spend with the computer, etc... and try to do things to remove the temptation to play the games, etc...

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If you have access to research databases through your university library, check this out:


Kuss, D., & Griffiths, M. (2012). Internet Gaming Addiction: A Systematic Review of Empirical Research. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp 278-296

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I suspect that it might be more akin to a person with a food addiction - you can't go "cold turkey." he is studying computer science so he can't stop using computers. just like the food addict can't stop eating food. but you can manage how much time you spend with the computer, etc... and try to do things to remove the temptation to play the games, etc...


Yeah, I was thinking that since his major is computer science . . . what about removing all of the gaming programs from your computer and limiting computer time, OP?

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If its an online game, delete your account. If you can't stomach doing this, have a trusted family member or friend change your password and keep it from you until you can control yourself.


Alternatively, set limits on hours of play per day (I'd say two hours should be an absolute max, as that's a ridiculous number anyway. Shoot for less than one)


Having said these things, it's not an addiction. You're gaming because out of all of your perceived options, you feel that gaming will provide the most entertainment (the highest ROI, if you will, out of your potential alternatives to gaming during the same timeframe). You need to work to create more (and better) options. Tell some friends that you think you really need to get out more, and try and make plans for at least four days a week to get out of the house and in social situations. Among other things like reading books, I used to play video games a lot, as I had very little else to do, few friends to do them with, and was generally very lonely. I understand the motivations behind excessive gaming; I've done it. You just have to look at the situation and realize that it is not real life. If you spend your life playing video games, your life winds up being video games. Effectively, you'll have no life at all, and when you are old and gray, you will reflect back on your life and realize you've never really done anything. I hope this helps you.

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Having said these things, it's not an addiction. You're gaming because out of all of your perceived options, you feel that gaming will provide the most entertainment (the highest ROI, if you will, out of your potential alternatives to gaming during the same timeframe). You need to work to create more (and better) options. Tell some friends that you think you really need to get out more, and try and make plans for at least four days a week to get out of the house and in social situations. Among other things like reading books, I used to play video games a lot, as I had very little else to do, few friends to do them with, and was generally very lonely.


Yeah, i was kind of looking for something along these lines. And as for the comment about going cold turkey and the food addiction, its kind of like that; in fact most of my classes are online or require me to do course work on a computer so oftentimes if i get anxious or stressed doing school work, i'll find myself driven to games for relief.


If i had it my way i would have just thrown my laptop out of the third story window a long time ago, yet with email, online banking, bills, etc. its just not as easy as it sounds.


Also, i like the comment about making plans, this seems to be my biggest downfall. It seems i never know what to do with my time, and that leads to boredom which leads to gaming; or i know what i have to do yet i choose not to do it in spite of myself.

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I'd like to step in here and kill off a misconception that's going around here that recreational gaming is some kind of addiction. Unless the OP is playing deep into the night, missing work, or something else that would wreck his life I see little wrong with what he is doing. All of us aren't as outgoing as most of you would have us be and it is unfair to stigmatize gamers in the heinous ways I've seen.

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I'd like to step in here and kill off a misconception that's going around here that recreational gaming is some kind of addiction. Unless the OP is playing deep into the night, missing work, or something else that would wreck his life I see little wrong with what he is doing. All of us aren't as outgoing as most of you would have us be and it is unfair to stigmatize gamers in the heinous ways I've seen.


Well he said it's ruined his life and caused him social problems, so I think it qualifies for him.

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OP I disagree with others and absolutely think this is an addiction. You need to have the willpower to change yourself as a person. You do not have to play games, you choose to play them. You should uninstall all your games and cancel any subscriptions.


I had a gaming addiction once and was very depressed. I threw my xbox in the trash one day and never looked back

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Anyone have a serious addiction to a game like WoW, diablo, PoE, LoL? I am 27 with a job going back to classes in a week (last 2 semesters before my BA in computer science). The problem is that i have a serious game addiction which has been going on for years (11 years i would say), i have no idea how to overcome it.


It has ruined my life pretty much and i have many social problems due to this addiction (spending more time on the game then with real people in the real world). I don't know what to do, i want to do other things with my life like learn different programming languages but every month which i do well, i find myself falling back into the gaming patterns.


Guys, if anyone has honest advice then i am all ears.


As someone who has wasted 2 years of his life on his gnome mage (lol...) It is a serious addiction. It's an escape from real life and I've studied the way they make these games to see how it can be so addicting.


The next time you play just pay attention to how WoW works for example. They strategically plays little accomplishments (which are useless even for game standards) that make you think "oh let me do that real quick! Done! +100 XP, Hey! do you want to do "xxxx" for me? It's over there!" and they keep chaining this so you keep playing.


It's minimal effort for a nice dopamine rush. Ever hear about those people forgetting to eat? WoW is like a natural dopamine inducer which you would normally get for finishing a project, doing homework etc. Why do that when games give it so easily? It's not unlike drugs. In addition it gives you a world where you can be anything you want, without fear or judgement about your true self. Combine that with the "achievements" they lure you with and you got some seriously addicting stuff.


What broke me out of it is realizing that however good you may become at it, whatever your gear or how high your level will be, in the end it will be a big time dump and the game will be gone. YOU are the one you need to spend time on, otherwise you will throw a big part of you away. Realize this, and all motivation to play will be gone.

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