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Im stuck in this position....ahhhh help


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ok...i like this girl...we're friends, not best friends but friends

I also know her friend.... Recently she has been really pushing to see who i like....so i lead the girl i like on....and now she wont stop...then today she apolizged for her and her friends for being so pressuring....I felt bad becuz this girl is the girl i like and she is the same person who wants to find out who i like...lol

OK heres the weird thing....she told me that her friends want to set up a date between me and her...They are prob gonna ask be about it tomm and gonna keep askin if i like her or wanna go out with her.....wht should i do and ALSO should i tell her friend who wants to set up a date that i like the girl....does anyone think that may help me out ..????

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should i just keep hintin her until she finds out its her...or should i just tell her straight up...i wouldnt mind going out sometime(easier said than done)
tell here straight up and then things might go your way or not. But it never hurts to tell her you like her. Follow your heart dude do what you think is right and everything else will fall into place.
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Yeah, that's what I would do..Maybe as her if she's seen something that's out now, And when she says no ask her if she wants to see it with you this weekend (give her a timeframe...don't just say sometime. You don't have to be specific, but give her an estimation)


You're parents will have to take you, and it's kind of embarressing, but that's how it is at 15. Nothing you can do, so no use worrying about it!


Not sure what you mean about her and your parents...What are you asking?

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thx for ur reply...

that was wht i was sayin about my parents...but not as transportation becuz she uses the bus a lot and so do i so we could easily get there by bus....thing is my parents dont know anything about this...and whenever i go out they ask a million questions..(who are u going with...where...wht time...to do wht...with guys or girls...etc) should i actually tell them its a date....


Also i dont know if i like the idea of going by ourselves...she might not feel as comfortable....but i cant just say "if you want why dont u invite **** and ***** to come along" it will seem so weird btw **** = her friends names.


suggestions plz....

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Coming from a guy, don't ever tell her that you like her, at least, not yet! Golden rule is, don't ever tell a girl openly that you like her! Always wait for her to tell you how she feels about you first!


But that doesn't mean you ignore her all the way! Be sincere, open and honest with her, throw her signs that you like her, yet refrain from saying so directly! If she asks you to describe the person you want to date, you can try describing someone with her personality (that's a very obvious hint!).... then if she follows up with "Aren't you describing me?", you feign surprise and say with a smile "I didn't say that!".


Ask her out, always be direct and confident when you do so. If you aren't sure how she feels about you, ask her out with her friends or your friends.


Another way is to do it through her friends. Ask them in a jokingly manner: "Why are you setting **** and me up on a date? You mean I actually stand a chance with her? Wow! I'm flattered." Give a megawatt smile and watch their reaction.


Bottom line, be honest and sincere with her, drop her hints, lead her on. Just don't tell her you like her directly! Wait for her to say it to you! Good luck, and all the best!

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