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Well My last goodbye

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Well its come I dont know what to say by tomorrow at 8:41 I shall be dead or in a coma. This is my last say to the world and well this site has been great they helped me somewhat and I even met some friends and lost a great friend threw something i didnt even do. I just wish to say goodbye to my friends and to the ppl i respect as the only real friends I have I know people will make fun of this the next day when they see my s/n come on the screen but I there will be noone at the keyboard. Ill be gone now all I must say is goodbye Enotalone Thank you for all your help you have helped me with..if that made any sense.. FAREWELL!!

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If you need attention, why not just actually talk to someone? Why do some people feel the need to threaten suicide to gain attention?


Do you realize that most people who are actually intent on doing so and actually in that frame of mind do not usually threaten to do so? Many times, pleople will say "they never saw it coming" or I knew he/she was having problems but I didn't know things were that bad."


People tend to shut others out that threaten such things. I know myself, I don't play that game. If someone needs help I will do anything I can to help them get that. I will listen. help them find a doctor, whatever it takes. But I don't like threats for attention.


Many of us have thought about suicide. Many of us have been depressed and unhappy and had things that make us wonder how we can go on another day. If you honestly feel that way, you should try to get some help.

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ok you both said interresting things but let me state an opinion , this guy is very smart he already knew that if he cried out for attention in the form of suicide he will get replies ... and he knows the fact that there are other human beings that care about others so he is smart enough to know what he is doing but i don't blame him . Simply if all humans were individualists and no one really cared he wouldn't have said any of this , what can i say we are a pathetic social animal "HUMANS" .

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Hey DragonSlayerX, this lyrics is for you and please re-think.


Got up early, found something's missing

my only name.

No one else sees but I got stuck,

and soon forever came.

Stopped pushing on for just a second,

then nothing's changed.

Who am I this time, where's my name

I guess it crept away.


No one's calling for me at the door.

And unpredictable won't bother anymore.

And silently gets harder to ignore.

Look straight ahead, there's nothing left to see.

What's done is done, this life has got it's hold on me.

Just let it go, what now can never be.


I forgot that I might see,

So many beautful things.

I forgot that I might need,

to find out what life could bring.


Take this happy ending away, it's all the same.

God won't waste this simplicity on possibility.

Get me up, wake me up, dreams are filling

this trace of blame.

Frozen still I thought I could stop,

now who's gonna wait.


No one's calling for me at the door.

and unpredictable won't bother anymore.

and silently gets harder to ignore.

look straight ahead, there's nothing left to see.

what's done is done, this life has got it's hold on me.

just let it go, what now can never be.


so many beautiful things...

so many beautiful things...


Now what do I do

can I change my mind

did I think things through


It was once my life

it was my life at one time

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I absolutely disagree that suicide threats are always just for attention. Yes, some people do it for attention, and some who do it don't threaten at all. However, many people who do commit suicide give warning signs like this, such as making a threat, giving away all of their stuff, etc. I remember learning that in health class, and as someone who has worked in jobs where suicidal threats were a reality, we were told to take threats seriously and if someone had a plan, we were not to leave them alone. There is a reason we take these threats seriously.


Telling him that he just wants attention is not going to help him, whether that is true or not. And that's what people come here for, help.


For the original poster, if you want to talk, PM me please. I have been there. I know how you're feeling. Trust me, taking your life is not the answer.

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I do hope that your remark was not directed at me being naiive. I quite know what I'm talking about, thank you. As in the past I was suicidal and have also had to work in jobs where suicidal threats are a reality... I did not say one way or the other whether or not this was a cry for attention or a true threat. But it is true that attacking him is not going to help.

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I respect everyone's point of view ayekasong and i wish i was more naiive , i just can't lie to the guy and i just can't tell him things will get better if he lives , but i all i can say it's a war that's called life we either fight or give up and IF HE CHOSES TO GIVE UP THAT'S UP TO HIM


1 'listen partner if you chose to kill yourself or whatever that's for a reason if it is worth dying then it's your call if it's not then why bother ?'


2 'no one will laugh or cry when they watch the news you might hear a few oh my gods and then the remote is clicking next channel'


3 'I have my own ideas on life i just wanted to state an oppinion and i might be insane you want to talk to me it's fine you don't it's your call'



We are only Human

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Why are so many people so depressed all of a sudden? It must be some sort of an adverse reaction to the holidays that are coming up. Some people get really depressed about the holidays. I am going to enjoy them this year ... I am determined to have a great time!! Not drink too much == stand up to uncertain behavior from others, and have a good time no matter what!!

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I have noticed that you defended the need of 'saying you commit suicide to get attention' in the other topic. I hope you need attention and you are still in our midst. I have also read that you hate your father and that you feel there is no point to life.


I am gonna tell you what I told cloud_walker yesterday:


when you are depressed, it's not the world around you that offers you nothing but negative things. It's just that you are unable to see the positive things. Depression can attack your perception of the world. There are several ways out, first of, you need professional counselling and even family therapy in regard with your parents.


you are 15, so young... it's a really tough period, for most of us. The aim of that is to form your own ideas, to build your life independent from your parents. Some persons just party on and on, other persons have problems on the emotional level and get stuck, one way or the other, it's not abnormal for a guy of your age to feel lost.


There are good things to life. It takes willpower and strength to overcome this depression, but it's possible. And a lot of the people who care about you here, can tell you so by personal experience.


Keep writing, please.



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Could this be the same guy as yesterday? Two in a row? I just got on here yesterday and I agree with sisterlynch, how in the hell are so many people ready to check out of life so early in life.


Dragonslayer, Slay that Dragon and get on with havin fun and meeting chicks and stuff like that. Death is permanant man. Life is changing every minute. It's like a train leaving the station, get on board and ride. I've seen suicide and what you leave behind is not a Joke. At this moment I think suicide is very self indulgent. I know there is someone you care about man, and they do not want to see you in a Morgue..

If you're for real, get some help. Call 911......Whatever just do it for the one who really cares about you. Actually that could be you.....





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I just want to say you have a good way of putting it. Hope he reads it!


And for the 'time of the year' --> yes, the holidays are coming up and moreover, it's winter. For me that means several signs of an upcoming depression, every year again.



DragonSlayer, you are worth your own life. Stay with us and fight for something better. You know there are always people here to help you , day and night.



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Well, this is going to sound mean... but...


Sometimes, nothing people say are going to make a difference. If someone really wants to die they will, it's as simple as that. Some people won't re-evaluate their circumstances until they have tried it once, twice, maybe more...


Now, before you say, "How can you say that!" and give me all those horrid looks... well, I've been there. At least he seeks enough attention to come up the forum and make everyone cry over him and tell him to stop. I didn't even bother telling anyone because I was so determined.


Dying isn't that easy. Compared to how many people that try, the actual death rate is a lot lower.

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Well i had every intention today to kill myself but then my friends lil bro hes about 7 she told me he looks up to me as a hero and stuff. Idk why but after what he said broke me down into tears i dont wanna let a little kid see his hero die. and he said he prayed for a happy christmas and i kept crying.. well SCREW SUICIDE THAT KID GAVE ME A REASON TO LIVE!

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Good, whatever the reason, cling onto it and never let go.


You should also pick up the responsibility to make a good role model and a good hero. So, make yourself into the kind of person you want the kid to become. Kids learn from their heros more than they learn from anyone else.

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hey, please do not take your life. as regards to the good friend you lost due to something you didnt do, that person could not of been a true friend if they act like that. no matter how hard your life is at the moment taking your life is not worth it. you have to find a way of working through your problems even if it is talking to someone, you have to find a way!!!!! you never know if you sort these problems then you may feel on top of the world, and so happy that life coulnt get any better!! if you take your life you wont have the chance to find out how good your life can get!! just take some time to think of a way to solve these problems and think of who and what you will be leaving behind!! nothing is worth dying for!!! you are only 15 you have your whole life a head of you!!!

write back!!

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