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Emotional turmoil!!


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Is something wrong with him?

I feel like i've been through a lot already. After 2 years i'm almost over my ex and i took interest in someone else a few months ago. I sensed some emotional unavailability in him but i ignored because he looked good. We've gone out twice but i don't consider these dates. Both times he wanted to sit at the bar and one of the times i was the only one eating all he ordered was $115 worth of drinks came back to my house wasted and blacked out because he ended up sleep walking and he peed on my floor!!! But does not remember it. I thought this was a bad first impression. I let it go because he was drunk. Second time we went out sat at the bar but he didn't drink as much. just seems he's not making much of an effort to get to know me. I liked his personality and he makes me laugh but now This guy barely answers my texts anymore, says he's busy with work as he works 12 hours nights for a manufacturing place. I feel like he's avoiding me now and when people do this to me i start to blame myself and ask myself what is wrong with me and what didi do for this person to give me the cold shoulder.

But then maybe it really is him and not me. This guy does have 2 kids that he has no contact with as they live in another state and he told me he felt like his father was just a sperm donor, so maybe his emotional unavailability comes from this. I don't know, but am i on the right track to say this isn't right.i feel like i

attach to the wrong people especially since my ex cheated and left me 2 years ago.

It seems I've made a habit of beating myself up for other peoples issues. A lot of people say my ex did me a favor by cheating and leaving me because he was angry and didn't treat me right but maybe this new guy is doing me a favor too, i just don't know why i can't see it.

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I sensed some emotional unavailability in him but i ignored because he looked good.


First off, never give someone as many chances as you already have just because they look good. Listen to your own instincts, stop beating yourself up. The guy's a complete butthead and a crude one at that. He peed on your floor, peed on your floor after ordering $115 worht in drinks!!!! He should be falling all over himself apologizing and if he's not then you need to run away from him as fast as you can go. Seriously you and every other woman can do a lot better than this guy. Gah! Disgusting!


The only thing you should be feeling bad about is the fact you continue hoping this guy will prove to you there's something there behind that pretty face, but there isn't. Toss this one into the proverbial trash can of people you don't need in your life and set your standards higher next time where you want someone who looks and is good on the inside too.

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I agree! Very well said. The weird part about the drunk incident was like he blacked out.. I don't even think he remembers it. Still it was awful, its like he was trying to see how many drinks he could handle ive never seen someone have a bar tab that high. I have to follow my gut more.

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