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hey i have a site just for my family to see and i wrote this poem to add to it and its about my boyfriend.plz tell me if u hate it or love it or like or dislike it!! thanx so much!!!cant wait to read ur replys!




As I sit here and really think about you

I realise you make my sky's blue


Your everything I want and need

We both take the lead


You mean so much to me and I m so scared I m going to lose you

If you dumped me my heart could never be fixed by glue


You made me the person I tried to be

You understand me


I cry thinking about when you're never in my life

The pain would be as sharp as a knife


You're the best thing that ever happened to me

But my worries are as deep as the sea


You mean everything to me and more

the way i feel is to the core.

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