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My ex's mom just texted me?

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I got a text, which I think is from my ex's mom from what I've read, but I don't have this number. She said she wanted to talk to me because my ex said we'd broken up and she'd like to know why. She said his justification didn't make sense and so she wanted to talk to me. She also asked me not to tell him please, as she had taken my number off his phone without him knowing.


She only contacted me now which makes me think he only told her about it now (a month later, and after yesterday when we had a huge fight and he said we couldn't be friends anymore, even after he'd told me the opposite right after breaking up). The point is, it's weird. I don't like his mom and she doesn't like me, although she pretended to. And now she's asking to talk to me about this?


Could this be him? Or could it be her wanting to spike me? I don't get why this now, and why would she want a reason why we broke up. It's not like I know it myself...


Should I reply? Or ignore her?

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Like others said, ignore her. I know it's hard because you want to know what is going on, but you don't need to add more stress/drama to yourself. Just ignore her and act like you never got her message.


If it's him - it's pathetic to pretend to be his mom.

If it's her - it's weird and immature to take your son's ex's number and contact her behind his back.


You don't want to be involved in this drama. Just ignore it.

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I know, he's supposed to be 21 this month..... I don't know how


I just know this woman will use my silence to start badmouthing me to other people, which shouldn't bother me but it does because many will believe I was indeed a ****** for not texting a reply when she sounded oh so concerned.

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I know, he's supposed to be 21 this month..... I don't know how


I just know this woman will use my silence to start badmouthing me to other people, which shouldn't bother me but it does because many will believe I was indeed a ****** for not texting a reply when she sounded oh so concerned.


Actually, if that happens then sane people will think it's weird she's texting you in secret asking these things. And judge HER for it. I wouldn't worry. Ignore her and if necessary block her number. A lot of times people WILL ignore texts that are weird and awkward, you wouldn't be the first by far.

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Why does he have to justify to his mommy why you 2 broke up?


Because she meddles into everything... And she always managed to interfere with our relationship at deeper levels than I would like to admit. Not that he should do it, or she should ask that of him. But that's how she is I guess.


Actually, if that happens then sane people will think it's weird she's texting you in secret asking these things. And judge HER for it. I wouldn't worry. Ignore her and if necessary block her number. A lot of times people WILL ignore texts that are weird and awkward, you wouldn't be the first by far.


I think you're right. I should stop caring so much anyway, when obviously none of them do. Little things like this only make me want to stay away from that family... I'm really starting to believe it was for the best that he broke up with me. His life had so much drama, I felt overwhelmed since I had my own problems to take care of. Maybe I acted as the mother he never had, because his biological one only criticizes and complains about everything.

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