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is it wrong to get emotionally attached to someone u havnt met yet?


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is it normal or not normal to get emotioanlly attached to someone uv been talking online for?


can u get feelings for someone online?


is it wrong to build ur hopes and expectations when you first meet your online crush in person?

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i don't believe you can have real feelings for someone you never met, it is a way to get interested in someone, get to know them a bit but real feelings or love? no, that cannot happen if you don't see the other person, smell their scent, see how they act, move and whatever, to see if there is real chemistry you need to be around the person...

on paper all can sound amazing but in real life it can be so different

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Emotional attachment if based on trust and honesty is not wrong, but nowadays you can`t tell if the other person ( behind the screen, phone) is what you think of them, what they portray to you, till you see them in person, which then the emotional attachment becomes physical too, you are always at risk to get hurt

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I think it is normal to be interested to someone you havent met while talking to them online, but once you meet in person that can all change! You may click now but when you meet you may not. It's different for everyone. I would suggest slowing yourself down and taking a look at the bigger picture.


Meet up first

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I don't think it's wrong per se since it is human nature to feel a growing affinity for those we communicate with and share ideas, thoughts and feelings with. But I do think you need to be fully aware that the person on the other end of the line be it Internet, email, snail mail or any other form of long distance is still essentially a stranger until the day you meet and more importantly, until you are actually living with and/or around them on a day-to-day basis and see how they interact with you and the world around both of you regularly. This is something too many of us forget in the rush of emotions, but it is the most important thing to keep in mind. Up to that point much of what you are experiencing is a combination of what the other person says to you, your emotions and your fantasy/imagination of what they are like and what it will be like being with them.


I've carried on a year-long long distance love affair that ended within three weeks of getting together, because the reality frankly just did not match the fantasy and that's not to blame him necessarily. I also had qualities and things that he wasn't aware of until we got together and so we each went our separate ways, a lot sadder and wiser for the experience. Just realize what's in your head may be very, very far from the truth and proceed with your eyes wide open knowing that until you meet them in person, preferably under safe circumstances much of what you're experiencing is still in your head, not the real world.

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