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  1. Im happy we broke up. I hope you dont ever contact me. I have been tempted to contact you just so I could rub it in that I am on my way to finding someone else. But that would just be "revenge." and its really not worth opening that can of worms with you. Again...I am happy we broke up. I would have never been happy with you
  2. I never want to see or hear from you again. You ended up being the complete opposite of what I thought you were. There I was defending you whilst you were doing exactly what everyone said you were. I no longer have faith in you as a person. I do hope you find happiness. I can finally say that I am happy we broke up and that I dont have any regrets about us not working. Now the next one can experience your bull just like i did and I can move on to someone who actually makes me happy, doesnt lie, doesnt cheat, and knows what he wants. An actual man, not a boy pretending. I worry about you sometimes. I hope you arent wreckless and crazy with yourself, or others. Be safe.
  3. I would have loved you forever. I will never understand this. If I ever get married, he'll always be my second choice
  4. I wonder what it is like for you having all my love and not wanting it
  5. How could you...? We met up last Monday an things seemed so positive. You go to the USA for a wedding and don't contact me for a week?!? Still haven't heard from you.... Cell phone services exists in the USA too. If I don't hear from you soon you won't hear from me ever again. Don't tell my you wanna call and talk more and do things and see where it goes and then not follow through. Yes you were in another country. But you are back now. Follow trough.
  6. I am terrified for tomorrow. We are getting together to talk about seeing each other with "no expectations" I'm really hoping your "no expectations" is the same as my "no expectations." I want to enjoy one another and ad to our own happiness. At the end of the day, you make sure you're happy, I'll make sure I am happy, and then we can determine if we add to each others happy. Don't be like all the rest. I truly love you and know we have something great. Just a matter of timing.
  7. I don't need you to be happy. I want you in my life because you make my happy happier. You add to who I already am. And it sucks that I have to say it here instead of looking you in the eyes and telling you
  8. In a half hour you will be at my house and we will exchange things. I am not sure what to expect. I am not sure i will get to say the speech I've gone over a hundred times in my head, or if I even want to say it anymore. Of course I hope that eventually we will try again, but until that happens I am going to be moving on, and that way if it doesn't, it won't matter to me. I don't think I can open my heart again. Not for a very long time. You have asked to be friends but I need to remove you from my life. Go ahead and miss me, it means nothing when there is a "but" or "I hope we can one day be friends" after it. I am 24 and hopeless when it comes to love, or healthy relationships. You've unintentionally made me feel guilty about our relationship and regretful. It is what it is. Hopefully I can rip the bandaid off tonight and then be done with it
  9. I spent all of yesterday asking one of your friends to be there for you when you need him because you are going through hell and I cannot be there for you. You chose this. Remember that when we exchange our things tomorrow and I don't say very much. I thought of offering you to keep in touch, and let me know how your mom is doig, but I have realized that I cannot do that. I cannot keep that option open, but I cannot take it away. Never say never. And the only way I can not damage this further, or wreck any chance of a future friendship or whatever you think is possible....to not wreck any of the 100 possibilities that fate can throw at me I am not going to say anything tomorrow. Hi, here's your stuff, be well. You chose this. You chose this. You chose this. Ps, I love you and never got to tell you. Now I will show you by doing absolutely nothing. I hope you figure you out, and things start to come together for you. Be the man I know you are and I know you can be.
  10. I have missed you over the past few days. I want to message you and apologize for how I acted. I lashed out with anger and the last things we said to each other were hurtful. What stops me from contacting you? Because it no longer matters to you. And I am going to give myself closure. The only reason I would apologize is so you dont have this negative outlook of me. But I shouldnt care, because my thoughts of you will always be negative now. Well, until they are neutral. There isnt any point in contacting you. You still have my number, but I am forgotten. I feel sorry for the girl you are with. Because once she gets boring, you will find another girl to move on to. I hate that I hate you now.
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