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Taking a step back from love. Not sure if this is the best decision.


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I love this man, I really do. He knows that I love him.

Recently, I've been able to be by myself and reflect on our relationship. I felt as though I was moving at a different pace than he was. He was taking his time with it and I moved quickly and I fell in love quickly, too. I end up having a lot of insecurities, doubts and irrational fears that could eventually sabotage the relationship.


He doesn't seem to be as invested as I am in this relationship. Perhaps this is not abnormal or unhealthy, but the way I'm approaching is because I rushed into it. I care too much and I end up hurting too much. Maybe it's time for me to just take a step back and not be so fixated on love. Sigh.

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You can opt to consider taking a step back as a decision the slow guy is making FOR you, so accepting it can only make things easier on you. You can't rush someone else's feelings, so the only thing you'll lose by acceptance is anxiety. Oh, and the humiliation of failed attempts to manipulate someone else.


Sounds like a plan.

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