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My father enjoys it when I serve him, when I do what he says......


He see's it as affection and acts of my love.....



I am so irritated by it. In my head, I think he is quite capable of doing it himself.


It ain't enough I cook everyday and clean up the kitchen as part of my service? He leaves quite a mess after himself often.


My irritations gotten out of hands. I snap at him, "Why can't you do it?" I have to stop what I am currently doing and tend to what he's saying.


I'm not sure how to handle this better.

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I see I was not very clear. I apologize. Yes, those extra little things like that, make him coffee, get him a drink with his meal, get him more rice, make his lunch in the morning while he's changing, etc...He wants full service is what he says.....I do the main things like make sure there is food prepared, and I stop there. Everyone eats on their own. He doesn't do this to my younger sister.

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