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some good advice for people breaking up - TURN OF THE SOCIAL NETWORKING!!!

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Hi everyone,

I don't come on here much but when I do it's nice to have people to talk to discreetly for relationship advice. Anyway I just wanted to throw this out there.


I see alot of people here making post like this, "I seen my ex on facebook..." or "my ex on twitter was..." I'm a computer scientist/web developer and I wanted to just put this out there. If you are going through a break up with someone I think one of the best things you can do is to cut them off at the social networking level. In todays day and age everyone is following and watching everyones moves on Facebook and Twitter. Although this aspect of our lives is great, often it makes life after a break up difficult because we see and monitor everything people do and even where they go. Seeing your ex going to a bar on the night you used to spend time together isn't going to help you move on!


Do yourself a favor - if you are on a Facebook/Twitter/Whatever, cut yourself off from your ex. All these sites have features to BLOCK people permanently. You will never know they ever exist. I went through a very hard breakup with a girl a few years ago and the one thing that I pat myself on the back for is cutting her off with the social networking. I took her off of my cellphone, blocked her on facebook, deleted pictures of us off of our computer, heck I even destroyed a video game we used to play together.


Facebook is a great tool for communicating with friends and family, you don't have to leave it, just block everything affiliated with your ex and be done with it. I blocked my ex, her relatives, and her friends on there. Now I never ever have to be reminded of it and it's helped the healing process alot. Also I feel more comfortable talking on the service, sharing pictures, and so forth now that I don't have to worry about that person being on there seeing it myself anymore. Blocking works both ways, you can't see them, they can't see you.


I hope this post helps someone, anyone reading this maybe you can share this with people down the road that post those same repetitive post again. I thought this especially might help the older people on here, some of you don't know the extend of what Facebook/Twitter is used for. You can stalk the hell out of people on there and I think people have an obsession with watching their ex's on the service, which is just unhealthy!

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I cant tell you how many times Ive been tempted to take a peek at my exs FB and Twitter page...even now Im getting the urge...but thankfully I deleted her off both sites so its easier to resist the temptation. I know for a fact if I looked at it right now, Id see something that would send me into a deep depression. Im healing slowly every day, and I dont need to take 10 steps back.


but I cant lie, my chest feels tight right now...Im literally aching I miss her so much. FB keeps calling out to me, but I refuse to give in.

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I wholeheartedly agree. Those social networking sites can really wreck havoc with your mind when you start spying on your ex, or even see your ex posting on mutual friends' statuses and pictures and such. You can drive yourself mad. Now, I never blocked my last ex but I willingly (and still to this day) had the willpower after a handful of months to not check her page out because I know it'd only hurt me in the long-run and set me back many steps. But, fresh out of a breakup is a lot harder and I think it's definitely best to unfriend and perhaps even block, if you feel it'd help in the healing process, and equally important, take a hiatus from the site so you can focus on yourself and heal. You can still call, email, or text your friends and of course meet up with them, as you should to avoid isolation, but you don't need a social networking site to do that.

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YES!! Please take your ex's off of these social networking sites. I unfriended AND blocking my ex and her new boyfriend on Facebook. I do not have the urge to look at her or his profile any more.


After the break up, for about 2 months, I would constantly check my ex's facebook. It was something I would do religiously (sad now that I think about it). Ever since I took her off everything has been so much easier, the pain has subsided considerably and I can now continue on with my life.

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