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Tall Women and complexes


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Okay I am confused yet another time. I am a laid-back, confident, yet kinda of outgoing women. I am 5'10- 5'11 and I am all legs. Why am I so self-consious about it. Right now my boyfriend is around 5'11-6ft tall. For some reaosn I tend to think.... Wow I bet his ex or even in other relationships was under I'd say 5'5. It just makes me feel like a BIG girl, and Im not. Do guys feel okward dating tall women too? Its not that the grass is always greenier on the otherside but... is it common to have this complex?

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Everyone just wants to be average. When you are taller you don't see that it is really an asset.


Men probably have all kinds of fantacies about you that you aren't aware of. Most people lust over a different sort of person that would seem to fulfill all their self-esteem issues, but there never really is a person out there that can make another person complete.


The person has to live with ambivalence and get used to the fact that they are unique in certain ways, don't be a sheep if God didn't make you a sheep, be a gazelle!!


Love what you have, don't worry about what others think of you. Make friends with other 5 10 women!!

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I think a lot of guys might get intimidated by women taller than them, especially in a romantic setting, but frankly if a guy gets hung up on something like that he's really not the type of guy you want to be dating anyways.


I'm all of 5'8" and though I certainly don't have a fetish for tall women I don't have any hangups with dating them. The last girl I took on a date was 6'1" and my last serious ex was 5'9". If a guy is confident and is secure in his own skin height makes no difference.

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Its just one of those insecurities that tall women are going to have. Once you learn to embrace your height and become more comfortable then there wont be a problem. If its something that you are really concerned about then date taller guys so you feel more in the norm. Tall girls are appreciated especially by taller guys, so i dont think that its something you should worry about.

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Hey, don't worry about it, you're not alone! lol I'm about 5"10/5"11 and like 150 pounds and a lot of the time I feel really big, even though I'm just tall. Just as you said... I'm all legs too Luckily I have a group of male friends that really seem to like it so it helps me get over my self consciousness. As for being taller than or almost as tall as a boyfriend... it used to really bother me but now that I'm becoming more secure with myself I know it doesn't really matter. You just have to stand up straight and carry yourself well.... be proud to be tall, and it does'nt hurt to have soem tall friends too! lol


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You're not that tall... I mean, you're not even 6' tall, so I don't think there's anything for you to worry about. There's tons of guys who are taller than that. I myself am 6'2" and there's tons of guys in my school who are taller than me. Don't worry about such a superficial thing...

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