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My High School grades.


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I haven't been the most trying at school and it's starting to catch up with me. I have 2 C's and a D now. The thing is, is I don't want this. I don't want this at all. I want to be able to go to college with good grades, get a good job to support my wife and kids if we have any. My parents had to sign my 73.31% © grade and they were pretty mad. My dad said "jokingly" I'll have to put a paper bag over my head now. It still hurt. I'm not "stupid" I can get good grades. The thing is I lack motivation. Sometimes yes, it is laziness. But a lot of it is motivation. I need some help.. it really pisses me off. (Excuse my language) And if my parents have to sign a D in Geometry for a progress report. I'll surely be grounded. Which may not be the worst, but I haven't been grounded probably since 7th grade. I am in 10th now. Also, the fact that I spend A lot. I mean ALOT of my time on twitter and the internet probably doesn't help. Does anyone have any help? Please. It's INCREDIBLY frustrating because my parents hold me to a high standard because my sisters mostly got all A's. Even if it's.. "You just gotta try" I would like some type of response.

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Why don't you ask your parents for help?

It sounds like you need more than motivation... You need a kick in the ass, lol.

I always wished I had the type of parents who would *make* me sit @ the table & do my HW.

No dinner until it's done!

Sometimes, you need rules & guidance.

My 1 friend used to have to spend Saturdays studying for her MCAT from 9-5.

If she didn't?

Her parents took her car away.

Needless to say she got into med school.

Ask your parents to play a more authoritative role... You just want someone who cares.

Also, get a tutor.

Even if you have to pay for it out of pocket.

You'll have more respect for something if you pay for it.

More incentive to go.

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First off... colleges mainly look at your cumulative GPA that you gain over the years. They also start to look at the grades you earn as a Junior and Senior.


In your case, spend some after school tutoring to get caught up. FINISH your homework assignments before tweeting.

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I know all about motivation problem. The trick (for me) was just making things a habit. I have fallen into a bad habit recently of leaving dishes all over my apartment. So now, its part of my night time routine to go through, gather them all up and put them in the sink.


I would also look into getting a tutor.

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High School grade means jack once you get into college, beast the SAT or ACT, you will be set. Word of advice though, University is in a league of its own High School work does not even compare to it and I took all AP courses.


Hmmm, I'm not sure about this. Standardize test are meaning less and less these days because they are terrible predictors of how successful a person will be in college, work, or life.

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Well, first off get off of Twitter and the Internet. Easier said than done I know.


Figure out where you are headed, math seems to be the problem. Figure out some help. A tutor would be great, a study group .. something.

I would suggest a stroll to your library or bookstore, look for books on study and learning habits. Apply to you.


Lazy and lack motivation? Hmm. Can't help you there. You either do it and or expect more of the same from your parent's. Up to you.


Good luck.

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Hmmm, I'm not sure about this. Standardize test are meaning less and less these days because they are terrible predictors of how successful a person will be in college, work, or life.


I'm not sure Universities and Graduate programs feel the same way. From my own experience at least, my gpa was top 10% in my high school however I was awarded my scholarships based off of my SAT scores, heck my GPA alone was not high enough to get accepted into my University however my SAT saved my ass. The reason being is that grades are the resultants of very different academic standards varying from school to school, district to district, state to state and the only thing that is not subjective, which a prospective student can be compared to another prospective student is by the SAT ACT.


Even med schools place importance on my MCAT scores PCAT for pharmacy schools GRE for grad LSAT for law. All of which have very high correlation to how well a student does in their academic pursuits post grad. My University advisers have always placed much more emphasis on my MCAT scores and extracurricular activities than on grades.

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I agree with tutors. I also think that you should block certain sites on your internet browser, etc. I don't think your parents expect you to be a copy of your sister, but I would agree getting a D is not really trying if you have no learning disabilities, in most cases. If college is your goal, that should be your motivation. If you have a job and can't juggle getting good grades with it, I would quit it or reduce your hours and just focus on school. Work in the summer.

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you cant compare mcat and lsat scores with SAT and ACT. Totally different. Everyone knows professional schools care a LOT about those tests.


Undergraduate colleges mostly care about class rank/class percentile. Sure you should do well on your SATs etc, but class percentage (being top 10, top 5, etc) matters the most.

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you cant compare mcat and lsat scores with SAT and ACT. Totally different. Everyone knows professional schools care a LOT about those tests.


Undergraduate colleges mostly care about class rank/class percentile. Sure you should do well on your SATs etc, but class percentage (being top 10, top 5, etc) matters the most.


True but like I said I was top 10% that didn't get me into my University of choice it was my SAT score. Here are some more tidbits, the University of Texas (very prestigious school) had overturned a Texas law that requires them to automatically accept the top 10% because of just how poorly these top 10% did their freshman year. Something to think about, not all high school have the same standards I could easliy be in the top 10 students in some highschools while barely making to 25% in another. What does this mean, not all schools are of the same caliber, should you be penalized for going to a school with a larger/smaller graduating class? A school with differing standards and regulations when it comes to the extra bonus to grades when taking honors or AP courses? Should you be penalized when it comes to the quality of teachers afforded to you by your school/district. All of theses variables mean squat in the face of the SAT and ACT, all it does is test your knowledge and compares it to others who are competing for your spot in an incoming class. The only way to judge another fairly is on grounds of an equal playing field.


As it pertains to the OP, his grades might be too low that's a fact. I am giving him personal advice from my own experience, there is a way out of his mistakes from being so lazy, destroy the SAT and college admissions will overlook his grades unless he is applying to some ivy leagues.

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It might be a little harder to "destroy" the SAT if you never learned anything in school, just saying..... he could just do the reasonable thing and you know, do well in both. It's not that hard, it just takes willpower and a little bit of effort. Which are valuable skills to learn for life, not just college. I got into UNC (a little more prestigious than UT I think) and I had an absolute blast in high school.


You can get good grades, good SAT scores, and have tons of friends and party a lot in highschool. Willpower and time management are essential now and throughout life. Best to learn as soon as possible.

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UNC based off of what? Do you know how much research UT has contributed within the last 10 years alone? He is about to enter his jr year of high school, how much can he do to salvage his grade within his remaining time? The resources for SAT prep however are almost unlimited and he can easily get a top rate score if he uses those resources.

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UNC based off of what? Do you know how much research UT has contributed within the last 10 years alone? He is about to enter his jr year of high school, how much can he do to salvage his grade within his remaining time? The resources for SAT prep however are almost unlimited and he can easily get a top rate score if he uses those resources.


He can turn things around. If the admissions department see great improvement, it helps. Or he needs to go to a local school for the basics and then transfer to the university he wants. Its not the end of the world if he starts applying himself now. What I am afraid of is that he will feel behind because he didn't pay attention to the classes and they will just get harder junior year.

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He should do both, is what I am saying. They will notice if he pulls his grades up. The SAT idea is nice in theory, but honestly if someone is getting Cs and Ds in high school, I don't think any amount of studying is going to have him aceing the SATs. Realistically, I just don't think its going to happen.


And UNC is a much more prestigious school than UT because it is much harder to get into and has way better rankings. Research output isn't really a good thing to compare "prestigious-ness" because 1) that has nothing to do with how hard it is to get in 2) UT has waaaaay more researchers than unc because its a much bigger school.


But in any case, do you know how much research unc has produced in the last 10 years? I mean, is this even debatable? I was being sarcastic when I said UNC was "a little bit" more prestigious. It's obviously a much better school academically (and basketball wise naturally).

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Prestigious in the terms of perception, yes UNC wins hands down. The number of students it accepts? It wins hands down (doesn't automatically accept top 10 btw), the amount of scientific literature I have go through is insane, UCLA, UT, MIT just to name a few are shaping the science community, I'm sorry but UNC does not contribute anywhere near as much as UT nor does the scope of the research it does conduct compare to UT. UT has 6 noble laureates on their staff equal to Yale, UNC? You can have any school tighten down admission requirements but when it comes to contributing to the betterment of society, UT wins hands down.


You bring up basketball? Everyone knows that football dominates college sports would it even be fair to compare the Tar Heels to the Longhorns who have BCS National Championships under their belts, not to mention their win over Oregon State this bowl season? Your last opponent was Maryland? : p

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Seriously? You do realize UNC is a fraction of the size of UT right? I don't think "research output" is really that rational of a thing to compare when you are talking about a small public school and a truly HUGE public school that has way more research facilities and researchers purely because it's a huge school in a huge state. Betterment of society? Could you be anymore subjective? I'm sure UT does come out with great stuff but that doesn't make it a more prestigious school (which is what our debate was about... not about quantitative research output)

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Oh... and um, according to link removed, UT has had ONE nobel laureate, from 1977.... so i doubt he's even on staff anymore. Where are you getting 6 from?


Lol good researching abilities there. link removed

see the 4 in physiology or medicine? That is what I mean by betterment of society.

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Seriously? You do realize UNC is a fraction of the size of UT right? I don't think "research output" is really that rational of a thing to compare when you are talking about a small public school and a truly HUGE public school that has way more research facilities and researchers purely because it's a huge school in a huge state. Betterment of society? Could you be anymore subjective? I'm sure UT does come out with great stuff but that doesn't make it a more prestigious school (which is what our debate was about... not about quantitative research output)


Woman you subjectively said UNC was better then UT I am giving you my subjectivity backed up by what I believe. Just because a school is small does not mean it cannot produce significant research, just look at Cal Tech. Not only the volume of research but the significance of it UT has UNC beat.


I didn't come in here saying "I was accepted into UNC which is much more prestigious than UT"

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Lol good researching abilities there. link removed

see the 4 in physiology or medicine? That is what I mean by betterment of society.


What you posted includes the entire state system! With two different medical schools! In three different cities! SIX of those laureats are from medical schools, UT-AUSTIN (the one we were talking about) only has the one.



Nice research skills lol

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