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hmmm receiving a handjob

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Ok, here is the "scenario". Lets say me and my girlfriend are in the basement watchin a movie and we are underneath the blankets. If she starts giving me a handjob what am I supposed to do when i get close to busting? Tell her to stop? Tell her i'm getting close? I really don't wanna get stuff all over the blankets or couch. any help would be appreciated

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Nah seriosly


bizzal is right


thats what you should do.....if you're still not sure, tell her is she wants to move herself down there


otherwise, just wash those sheets straight away, can't have your parents finding those stains now hahah LOL

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No dude, try to jizz in her face, She will like it trust me women love that kinda thing.


This isn't true at all. Don't EVER ask a girl this unless you know each other VERY well and she's totally comfortable with you. You're not dating a porn star, she's probably a normal girl who doesn't like a guy busting a loaf in her face. It's disrespectful to a lot of women.

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No dude, try to jizz in her face, She will like it trust me women love that kinda thing.


That's a disgusting remark. Listen to the girls here if you actually care what a girl thinks. We don't just like some guy coming on our face. That's VERY porn-movie-ish only, and those movies are written for the guys only anyway.


Yes, tell her when you're getting close. And then maybe you guys can make arrangements to take this somewhere else like the bedroom, or to get the blankets out of the way so you don't mess them up, or to have some tissue handy...you get the point.


But definitely don't just come on her unless you know she likes this. Or you may just lose your girlfriend. (or get slapped)

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Don't ever ejaculate on a girl's face. Most women consider that the most disrespectful thing a guy can do during sex. Some won't say anything, others will slap you, but unless if you're in a porn movie, no one will like it.


If you think about it it really makes sense. If you let go on her face it'll easily get into her eyes or her hair. Who'd want to have to wash her hair JUST BECAUSE her boyfriend ejaculated in it? If it gets in the eyes it hurts. Even if it really just stays on her face... it's still disgusting and annoying.

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Just let your girl know or have a paper towel or something ready beforehand... I really wish my boyfriend would have let me known the one time I manually stimulated him. He was still wearing his clothes and the poor thing got it all over himself and my couch... must have been quite embarrassing for him...

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Foranother, thats disrespectful to the girl. Unless she tells you to do it on her face--you shouldn't. That kind of behavior is going to keep lot's of girls away. Before you know it you'll be spending Saturday nights hugging a box of kleenex. ... no joking.


Get a towel or go to the bathroom.

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